Command Bar Problem (with ModuleScripts)


What’s your problem?
I don’t understand?

look at the output (ignore: Sda

What are you trying to do exactly?

bro like i showed you the whole screen

what do you think im trying to do?


Main word:

im trying to print something in the output using command

Then the function is returning nil, have you tried adding an event?

if you may ask why not just do print(“Something”), the actual code inside of that function is to disbale something

Also why are you even trying to get it from a Module and not put it in the actual script?

local Module = {}

Module.Disable = function()

return Module

The above code is a more standard way of organising module scripts.
To do it the way you intended, you would need to have it as ["Disable'] = instead of Disable =

yup i already tried that and it doesn’t work

Copy and paste the code i sent anyway, and if it still errors, please send the entire error again

actual script what???>?.[quote=“Dede_4242, post:11, topic:2215411, full:true, username:Dede_4242”]
Also why are you even trying to get it from a Module and not put it in the actual script?

wdym by actual script???

The script in which you are requiring the module

why would i use a script? asdsadasdsa

same error cuz i already tried that in the first place

IDK, maybe because using the Command Bar is pretty much nonsense?

If you put a print statement at the top of the script (before require), does it show up when you require() the script?