Commander 5 (Draft)

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Commander 5

Open source administration panel

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Commander is an open sourced administration panel maintained by designers and programmers around the world, with its goal to be everybody's first choice for simple and efficient moderation for Roblox experiences.

Metaverse developers can easily deploy Commander into their own experiences without the need of doing heavy modifications to get rid of features they do not want. And write code efficiently and fast to bridge your experience with Commander seamlessly.

Every feature, such as built-in commands, plugins, and UI themes can be found and configured easily without installing the source-only version, as all of them are inside the loader’s packages folder. So the source code only contains the base required code for Commander to run.

Comparing with others

The introduction above may not be convincing enough for you to switch/use in your experiences, so we have compiled a comparison table to point out Commander's advantages and disadvantages, to see whether is Commander suitable for you.

Commander 5 SimpleAdmin Basic Admin Essentials 2 Adonis Admin HD Admin Redefine:A BanGui
Open-source* MIT Partial1, unlicensed Unlicensed MIT Unlicensed GPL 3.0 ???
Development status Active Active Complete, no longer worked on Active Partially inactive, being reworked on Active Active
Type Panel Chat commands Chat commands Chat commands Chat commands Engine Panel
Custom theme support Yes Yes No Yes Yes No No
Custom command support2</sup Yes Yes Yes, no docs avail. Yes Yes Yes No
Custom display language support3 Planned No No No No Yes No
Donation perks None None Can be toggled off Can be toggled off Can be toggled off None None

* - Visit choosealicense for an appendix of every open source licenses

1 - Some features are paid (subscription-based)

2 - Documentation is only counted if is official

3 - Not to be confused with LocalizationService/ Game Localization

Is Commander suitable for you

While Commander aims to be everyone's first choice for game administration, there is a chance where Commander may not be really suitable for you, here's a brief list of who is suitable to use Commander.

Be advised that this is a brief list, if you feel uncertain, please try it out by yourself and see.

You should avoid using Commander if:

  • You do not need the abstraction given by administration panels

  • Your game does not require heavy moderation all the time

  • You do not like administration panels


Installing Commander can be done in many ways, in normal situation, we recommend using the companion plugin to install Commander – The Commander Companion plugin allows you to install Commander at ease, but also select what package to install and configure the settings in a straightforward and easygoing user interface.

To get started, install the plugin here, the plugin will walk you through the setup procedures upon launch.

Of course, it is not neccessary to install Commander with the companion, you can also install manually, or use Commander as a submodule (the initializer should be manually created however).