Commander | Open Sourced Admin Panel

It should work now… did you replace the Waypoint module?

??? whats the waypoint module???

Did you read my earlier post? No, I won’t try the heart button

why I cant download it anymore? it just gives bad request :frowning:


love this panel!! replacing my current one with this. i can easily make custom commands, and so on!

one thing, how do you do group ranks? your documentation site is broken! please help

Waypoint module webhook modified, nothing happens and the admin panel doesnt even work anymore…

I would highly recommend adding webhooks built in via script not some module thing and also add group bind for ranks…

Its not supported by the developer, so don’t expect it to work.

The developer already said that they won’t put webhooks in due to it breaking TOS. Commander also already supports group permissions.

Here is a settings code copy:

	WWW0              LWWW+   :NWWe    pWWN^     rMWW2
	WWW0               sWWM~ `mWW0`   ;WWWL       xWWW
	WWWN\\\\\\\\\,      RWWB-yWWM;    `&WWK'     ,gWWR
	WWWN+++++++++-       ;MWWWW}        `vmWWWWWWMO1` 
	WWW0                  ~xff+             "~!~-     
	Commander 4 by Evo
	## FAQs
	Q: How to add a new admin?
	A: You can refer to our documentation (
	Q: How can I change the theme colour?
	A: You can change it by modifying the Accent settings below
	Q: How can I change the toggle keybind?
	A: You can change it by modifying the Keybind settings below.
	Q: I don't see Commander, what's going on?
	A: You probably have disabled API access for Studio or your game is not published. If none of this solves the issue, just send a DM to nana_kon or join
	our community.

local module = {}

module.Admins = {
	--["7kayoh"] = "Owner",
	-- [12312322] = "Moderator", -- user with User Id 12312322 will get Moderator,
	-- ["Roblox"] = "Moderator", -- user with name Roblox will get Moderator
	-- for more information such as group ranking, refer the documentation

module.Permissions = {
	["Moderator"] = {
		["Priority"] = 1,
		["DisallowPrefixes"] = {
		["Permissions"] = {
	["Admin"] = {
		["Inherits"] = "Moderator",
		["Priority"] = 2,
		["Permissions"] = {
	["Owner"] = {
		["Inherits"] = "Admin",
		["Priority"] = 3,
		["Permissions"] = {

module.UI = {
	["Accent"] = Color3.fromRGB(64, 157, 130),
	["Keybind"] = Enum.KeyCode.Semicolon,
	["Theme"] = "Minimal Dark"

module.Misc = {
	["DisableCredits"] = false,
	-- v this only works outside Studio.
	["AutoCreatorAdmin"] = true, -- when enabled, this automatically grants the game owner admin
	["AutoCreatorAdminTo"] = "Owner" -- configure this if needed

return module

make a module and rename it to “Settings” and paste the code up^^^ and configure it to ur liking!

Hope it fixed ur problem.

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Commander 4

Here is a link to it.

It says 2 admins are online even though im the only admin in the server? It took like 1 minute to open the admin menu too.


There is an exploiter in my server and im unable to kick them due to the admin panel never loading, i see the button, but clicking it does not do anything, and im not getting any popup.

Edit: took like 10 minutes for the admin console to open up, this is a common problem. And i couldnt even run ban/kick commands.

I recommend no one to use this, it’s barely functioning.

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The creator quite literally said it was no longer supported. Maybe read the forum before you use the model.

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Yes it did say the v1 was not supported, in a tiny font. However, what caused the confusion was the model was named “Commander 4” so i assumed it was version 4. And the fact that the “not supported anymore” text was in such a tiny font, added onto that line of thought.

Anyways the text only said “Commander V1 is no longer supported, it is not recommended to be used in major projects” not “barely functioning, and should absolutely not be used in any game whatsoever”

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This is not working with me, it shows the icon close to leadboard but does nothing!

Hey everyone, it’s been a while since Commander was discontinued, and Roblox keeps rolling out frequent updates. Since Commander isn’t actively maintained anymore, it struggles to keep up with these updates. This results in it breaking with each new Roblox update. And use Cmdr it’s way better!

is this the same commander latte softworks is making

i’m just right now laughing xd! Latte softworks creates fake exploits, witch makes you get banned on roblox xd

Latte Softworks also creates Free and Open Source Software(FOSS). Some examples of these are: Commander, Wax, RDD and Maui. They also create fake exploits as you said.


yes that is what they are primarily famous for

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Will Commander V2 / 5 ever be released?