Commander | Open Sourced Admin Panel

@7kayoh someone copied your administrative panel. [CLOSED!] 500 SUBS SPECIAL! | Roblox Studio - YouTube

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I have stopped using this admin panel it has stopped working for my game and genuinely can’t be bothered to contact support for this. It was good while it lasted but wish code could be more “stable”

We personally wanted to address this issue and try to give it a complete fix (by restarting the whole thing), but we just can not manage to do that because of the concurrent resources we have, we still plan to restart Commander one day from scratch, but for the time being, we will be focusing on something else first.

Acknowledged, but we do not have any permission to do anything about it. The license allows modification and distribution, and apparently, it is only the thumbnail using Commander’s UI, but the actual product does not

Anyway, here is a quick preview of the UI for V4.5 (Barely done)

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10/10 looking forward to the release also the discord like at the top of the post is broken

We are currently in the middle of maintenance, so the server is unavailable. You can still chat in there though.

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We have acknowledged an issue where the loader did not load the latest version of Commander and have pushed a fix to the loader itself, please reinstall Commander by getting the loader again.

Looking absolutely amazing! :smiley: Can’t wait to see where this goes!

I’m sorry, I didn’t understand :confused:

That’s fantastic! I’ll have to look into that. Is it necessary for all of your players to join your Discord server in order to use it?

This is definitely the nicest and the best admin panel the only thing is that I wish is that I could remove the following features as it’s 100% unnessacory for my game and a lot of other games also. Damage, Freeze, God, Heal, Health, Kill, MaxHealth, Power, Removehats, Removetools, Speed, Unfreeze.

If it is possible to remove those features how would I go about doing so? I do not script, nor do I know how to.

I think you just have to delete the gui buttons that players have to click to do those things.

Here you can find a bundled version of Commander, which means all default packages are stored in the loader instead of the actual MainModule.

For your reference, the MainModule runs on a different one

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Commander Next (temporary)

The administrator panel that redefined an administrator panel

A new version with many changes and new features, coming soon

GitHub Repository –– Discord Server


  • New package system – this also means that the current package will not be compatible :cry:
  • New API and structure – same, current packages will not work with it
  • Supporting Luau type checks, properly – this means Commander will be fully type-safe (hopefully)
  • Better error-handling and logging
  • More space-saving – modules for Commander works like pnpm, if both contexts need the package, it will be put inside Shared (ReplicatedStorage) with an alias to it, no more duplication
  • User system like V2 (modified) – works faster and easier to configure, also less bug

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Sounds good! I hope everything goes well.

News regarding Commander

Commander Next will not be compatible with packages made for V1

The API library in Commander Next is completely recoded with a new design which functions are separated into categories. Making all current packages made for V1 impossible to use.

As well, Commander Next will not bundle any packages by default, user need to find and install packages with the package manager (soon)

Volunteer(s) recruitment

We are currently looking for software engineer(s) who can help us on developing a package manager CLI for Commander, please DM @7kayoh if you are interested.

Suggestion board now opened

We have now opened a suggestion board at Trello instead of Discord, for a greater user reach.

You can view it here.

To suggest a new feature, please use the enquiry center.


I would like to know what you are doing with the money donated.

The backend for Commander ( Commander Next == V2 ) is halfway finished, and we can give you an estimation on what is changed in the backend.

Not every change is listed here, we only list those that may have a big impact to packages/your game.

API is separated

We have separated APIs into modules with their name based on the category, so player-related API is now stored inside a module named Player.lua in the API folder.

We think this decision will make the API much maintainable and readable in the future in case if there are a lot of API methods.

Some API methods in V1 no longer exist in V2

We have recoded the API in V2 with a better design and structure, but we also decided to keep API methods that actually have a use.

Here are the API methods we will be dropping from V2:

  1. API.Players.setTransparency
    We think this method can be reimplemented easily with for loops and is not necessary for Commander nor all packages

  2. API.Players.getAdmins
    This method actually returns the number of items in the administrator table, this can be inaccurate if the game uses group checks for administrators instead of direct address.

  3. API.Players.getAdminLevel
    This method has been replaced by the Player.getAdminInfo in V2! Player.getAdminInfo returns the information about their administrator group instead of returning the group level.

  4. API.Players.GetPlayersFromNameSelector, API.Players.executeWithPrefix, API.Players.getPlayerBy[Name/UserId/NamePartial], API.Players.getPlayerWithFilter
    This has been replaced by an upcoming module called Finder, which is much versatile , and supports custom conditions and plugins

  5. API.Players.getUserIdFromName
    This method has been removed as it is easy to implement

  6. API.Players.message, API.Players.hint, API.Players.notify, API.Players.send[Modal/List]
    This is removed as this will be separated into a plugin, the send[Modal/List] is replaced by a UI builder module in Server.

  7. API.Players.listenToPlayerAdded
    This method is poorly designed and can reveal memory leaks.

  8. API.Players.checkPermission
    We think it makes sense for package developer to implement the permission checking system yourself.

  9. API.Core.getDataStore
    This method is poorly designed and will be replaced by an API called Database.

  10. API.Players.filterString
    This method will be replaced by a module called SocialKit, which is a helper library that includes all socializing functions.

Combine player-related data/functions with Player.addDataFetcher

We now have introduced a new API method in V2 called .getProfile, which returns a table of data/functions for the corresponding player.

Packages can add their own data or functions with the addDataFetcher method.

originally from the community server

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1.5.0 release

Released at 2022-01-23T15:00:00Z | General Availability Release | EOL


:warning: This marks the end of Commander V1, Evo Incorp will no longer provide feature updates or security updates for Commander 1.x.x. See you in V2!

In this release…

  • We have introduced additional Luau types to the API module
  • We have deleted the credits and latest version fetching system
  • We have cleaned up some of the code