Commander | Open Sourced Admin Panel

Heyo, when there’s an update to the system, we’ll post it here.

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Noted, will be implemented in the GM release.

Heyo, you might have not seen us releasing a new version this week, why? – Because it is being delayed

It’s a bit harsh but we’ve delayed our update because we weren’t fully done with the improvements and new-added features. Though, we’re almost done with it and possibly will release it by tomorrow.

Apart from that, there will be some changes to how and when we update Commander.

The first change is the interval for each feature updates, which was originally per week, but now will be increased to per month.

The second change is we’ll be using semantic versioning, as this will make stuff much clear to understand, especially for developers. Here’s the website to SemVer.

Thirdly, we’ll deprecate the current primary installation method, which is by inserting a .RBXM file and blah blah. However, we won’t force users to pick up the hard road and uses Rojo to install/update Commander. We’ll introduce a brand new require loader, which is always updated, and will be less painful to install for beginners with 0 knowledge in programming.

Lastly, major updates will be released per 2 weeks, and security patches and hotfixes will be released per week.


DP3 A1154 release

This release addresses the following issue:

  • Message container blocking user input, such as panning
  • Grammatical problems in TestFilter.lua @Nicklaus_S
  • Typo in API module @JEK0x81D

This release includes new features:

  • Categories for packages, you can now organise your packages into categories, something like Builtin commands, Custom commands, Useless commands, et cetera!
  • Respawn command @ccuser44
  • You are now able to disable the “Powered by Commander” notification and the donation tab in Commander
  • RemoveHats and RemoveTools command @ccuser44
  • API in _G @ccuser44
  • DataStore now uses MockDataStore if API access is not enabled, or game is not published

This release includes improvement to the exisiting code:

  • Changes to Bring, Teleport command, they now uses SetPrimaryPartCFrame to set the character’s CFrame, and will be 5 studs away from the target. @ccuser44
  • Changed usage of string metamethods, as those are not optimised in Luau @ccuser44
  • Silienced useless variables @ccuser44
  • Changed some pairs into ipairs @ccuser44
  • Removed unnecessary coroutines @ccuser44
  • Made unnecessary typeof() to use type() @ccuser44
  • Made stuff to use table.insert @ccuser44
  • The avatar icon now uses proper method @ccuser44

Additional notes:
The current YouTube tutorial from us is not using the latest version, actual installation method varies. Consider using the documentation instead for now.
Commander (


If I only I was this motivated to do something, nice admin system though

Heyo, while we’ve announced our new way to release newer versions, we’ll be delaying the next version as we are currently working on the UI recode.

You might’ve seen a new branch created in the Commander repository, which is called Latte. That’s where we put the new UI recode there.

In this post, I’ll be asking some of the questions that you may have.

First, what’s Latte? Latte is pretty much a new UI structure design that utilises the modular design pattern, forcing developers to code with the modular design so everything will be cleaner and easier to modify for the end users. Latte consists of four parts – utilites, page constructors, components, and the loader itself.

There is no need to manually require the modules in Latte, as Latte does it for you! When the UI code is being ran, Latte automatically links a metatable to every module in the library folder. As every modules are required and put into the metatable beforehand, changes to the table returned by the module will be updated for every other module that uses it.

Second, why use Latte? As days goes by, we realised that our UI is an issue when it is at a higher scale, for example, our current theming method is extremely ineffective and is quite bloated. Apart from that, it requires a lot of human resources to maintain those themes as every theme needs to be updated, when the code for the UI has been changed. This is where we see Latte being the solution to those problems. As how Latte works, we can build new UI components for the wonderful developers who plan to integrate, or expand Commander into their game, while also ensuring that we do not need to fully redo the whole administration panel interface, all in coding.

Apart from that, Latte is very alike to our packages loader, which also links every other module to each other, just in another fancy way.

Thirdly, why not use Roact instead? We actually had the intention to redo the UI in Roact, but while Roact is easier to maintain for developers, and is much declarable compared to other methods to create UI in code. It is quite “bulky” in terms of size, which violates our lightweight philosophy.

Lastly, when we will get this done? We are not really sure how long will this take, but we are aiming to finish the recode within a month or lesser.

That’s all for now, if you are interested helping us out with recoding the UI with Latte, take a look at our branch: va1kio/commander at Latte (


Heyo, here’s a quick video on the progress of the UI recode

Want to contribute to the UI recode? Visit
We are still accepting feedback from users, feel free to fill in this anonymised survey: Microsoft Forms


Will there be a feature, if it doesn’t already exist, to add “panels?” By panels, I mean home, player, server, etc.


Heyo! :wave:

We’ve moved our documentation site to a new codebase and domain, which is at Powered by Vercel.

Here’s what we’ve changed: :eyes:

New documentation software

First, the obvious change is the new documentation software we are using, which is now VuePress, instead of Docsify.

While Docsify is a great documentation software for starters, it is unable to meet our demands. Yes, it uses Vue, same as VuePress, but Docsify is runtime-driven, which means content are not generated beforehand but when the user is visiting the page (reduces server load, but made SEO really unfriendly).

At this point, some might ask “Why not use MkDocs?”

MkDocs is indeed a great alternative to Docsify, but the problem with it is that MkDocs uses YAML for the configuration, with that, YAML utilises a lot of whitespace and will eventually the size will be unspeakable at a larger scale.

While in VuePress, they uses JS, not JSON but JS.

Apart from that, VuePress is created by Vue creator itself, aka Evan You. So it’s pretty obvious to tell that VuePress has a greater community in the development field. Meeting our demands.

New pages

We’ve rewrote the UI page to be based on our new upcoming release, 1.0.0. Which uses Latte for the UI. The new page contains a much useful info about the components, and has individual pages for specific components like MenuButton, et cetera.

Note, the new UI page does not apply to Developer Previews, as they are using the old codebase for the UI but not Latte.

We plan to rewrite the other pages like the package API since it is really outdated compared to our current API, which contains a lot more methods for developers. Stay tuned :eyes:

Want to contribute?

Feel free to fork the commander-site repository and help us expand the documentation!

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Thanks for waiting! We are just one step away from 1.0.0 stable release. Making Commander out of Developer Preview.

Here’s what changed:

  • New UI codebase, we have fully moved our panel’s codebase to be fully Latte-based.
  • New themes, we are back with theming, by default. Commander ships with 6 themes, here are the themes: Minimal, Minimal Dark, Material, Material Dark, AMOLED Dark, Teal.
  • Autocomplete is no longer case sensitive.
  • SemVer versioning

:warning: Proceed with danger!

While we’ve already released our beta build with all the changes mentioned above, bugs still exist and may affect your workflow. If you are using Commander for a large-scale game, we highly recommend sticking to Developer Previews until we’ve released the stable build, which is 1.0.0.

Here are the current bugs we are aware of:

  • Clear button in CompactTextField does not respect Stylesheet
  • DenseList is not fully compatible with theming yet
  • BorderSizePixel is set to 1 in the donate page’s top container
  • DisableDonation does not automatically hide the donate page in the menu bar

:arrow_down: Download

You can download 0.9.6 by going to the Latte branch in our GitHub repository.

Installation is similar to how normal Commander does, refer to the README file.


:exploding_head: 1.0.0 release is out!

Thanks for waiting for such a long time! We are glad to announce that Commander is now production ready and is now out of Developer Preview.

Here’s what we have changed:

  • Latte! Our administration panel UI has been recoded with Latte framework, allowing more customisation and cleaner codebase
  • A LOTS of new themes, by default, Commander now ships with 6 themes, which is Minimal, Minimal Dark, Material, Material Dark, AMOLED Dark (Minimal Dark but darker), Teal. You can also check out our community server for more themes, such as the Slack-inspired Aubergine theme, and the mix-and-match theme.
  • Autocomplete has been redone and is no longer case-sensitive
  • Find updating Commander a burden? Use our new module loader at here!
  • Bug patches from previous beta release
  • and a lot more

We are so glad to announce Commander is now production ready, and we will be making more new features that are beneficial to both you and the package developers.

Have fun! :tada:


Thank you Sooo much I’ve been waiting

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I’m kind of confused, how do you add pages, like the player and server pages. I tried the given module, but it didn’t work.
Edit: any way to move the icon, because it overlaps with topbar+

Yay!! I LIVE for this admin panel. The design is clean and it’s so easy to use. Commander really has potential.

Refer to the documentation’s UI toolkit guide

Yeah, I tried but it didn’t work, even with the modules that are built-in, they aren’t showing up, and aren’t giving any errors.

?! If you plan to control the UI, you have to put it into the constructors folder inside the panel’s library folder. Not the packages folder

Settings, line 80. Change to “Minimal Dark” (Or other things in stylesheets I just like minimal best.)

	["Theme"] = "Minimal Dark"
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Suggestion: have more things inside of the loader module, because you can’t use the constructors and other things.
Edit: also all the modules spam warning when starting like " Linking Latte to Stylesheet "
Edit2: (because I don’t want to spam reply)
This thing is amazing, it’s like simple admin, but better, not super simple but still absolutely amazing.

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When testing out this module, it spams a lot of warning messages unnecessarily. I suggest having a option to disable those warning messages, something like “Toggle_Logging” would do.