Comments section, use for buyers only

I think the title is a little vague but here’s my suggestion:

Make commenting on games/items available with people who have either played the games, or own the items at hand.
This can reduce spam, increase focused comments (about the game/item), and prevent external link scams more effectively (i.e. bots post external links in comments all the time)

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Normally I’d link the several threads for this and suggest bumping an older one, but how is this not a thing?


Comments for Limited items need to come back ASAP.

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A little “minutes played” thing would be helpful too.

If you’re going to post an extremely opinionated review after spending a few minutes playing a game, you’ll probably look silly to everyone else. Publicly displaying the time they’ve spent in-game would serve as a deterrent for that sort of behavior.


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What if someone has a question about whether they should buy something? What if you want to trade for a limited hat?

Don’t we have a ROBLOX forum?

If someone has a question about what sort of benefits a gamepass has, they’re not going to post it to a forum.

No, they would ask in the place’s comments. Better, they would just look in the gamepass’s comments because everyone posting there would have bought it and probably has formed some kind of opinion.

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YES. Call me petty, but the only people Ive banned in my place are people that were specifically explaining how bad/broken my game was when it was paid access and they had never played it. They can screw right off

A ban is a little petty but honestly they are being more petty lmao

only 26 people would be able to comment on a dominus


jk though, mega support for both points in the original post.

Maybe make there be a certain RAP requirement to comment on an item, say 50% of items RAP you need to comment to allow potential buyers/traders to post offers.

ROBLOX please please bring back comments the trading community is literally dying.