2021 Commission Price Guide For New Developers

I have seen many new developers asking others what they should be getting payed for commissions. So I decided to create a price guide with a general range of what I think developers should get payed (in robux :robux_gold: :slight_smile: for commissions that are completed well and on time. Please feel free to request any changes if you do not like my price recommendations! :slight_smile:

Please read the following paragraph before posting. Thanks!

Please note that there are more factors that go into negotiating a price. These prices are mostly for newer developers who are able to complete commissions. I see no reason why you should stick to this guide if you feel that your work is worth more, this is just a guide to help you get started in finding a fair price if you are new to commissions on Roblox.


Debugging: 500-1,000 Robux
Short & easy script: 750-1,500 Robux
Long script: 2,000-3,000 Robux
Scripting a system: 4,500-6,500 Robux
Scripting an entire small game (like an obby): 5,000-15,000 Robux
Scripting an entire large game (like a first-person-shooter): 25,000-55,000 Robux


Modeling an asset: 500-700 Robux
Building a large object: 600-1,000 Robux
Building a map (for a round-based game with several maps): 1,300-2,300 Robux
Building a map (for a game with a few maps): 1,500-2,500 Robux
Building a map (for a game with 1 or 2 maps): 2,750-4,250 Robux
Building an entire small game (map, small assets, large objects): 5,000-15,000 Robux
Building an entire large game (map, small assets, large objects): 10,000-25,000 Robux

UI Design

Designing one UI element: 500-1,000 Robux
Designing all UI on a screen at once: 1,800-2,400 Robux
Designing all UI in a game: 3,500-5,000 Robux
Designing and scripting one UI element: 700-1,250 Robux
Designing and scripting all UI on a screen at once: 2,000-4,000 Robux
Designing and scripting all UI in a game: 3,750-6,250 Robux


Short animation: 100-300 Robux
Long animation (example: a dance): 500-750 Robux
Scripting and animating and animation system: 5,000-6,000 Robux
Making all the animations a game needs: 8,000-10,000 Robux

Graphical Design

Game icon: 500-750 Robux
Game thumbnail: 500-1,000 Robux
Collection of game thumbnails: 1,500-3,000 Robux
In-game asset: 1,000-2,500 Robux

Composing Music

Please note that these are likely inaccurate as I am not very educated on the subject of composition.
Short sound: 50-250 Robux
Soundtrack (for one area in the game, or entire game): 1,000-3,000 Robux
Multiple soundtracks for all areas in the game: 2,000-4,000 Robux


Testing and providing honest feedback: 100-1,000 Robux

Hiring an influencer

Hiring an influencer to play and publicize your game: 10,000-50,000 Robux and in-game perks (such as, exclusive items)

As I said before, please let me know if you disagree with any of these prices or if I forgot to add the price for a service!


Your prices are too low xD

Doing high quality work should be very expensive, like programing an entire game cost between 500k to +5m robux depending of the game size.
Mading an entire game Ui cost around 25k to 250k depending of the amount of Ui, the level of detail it have ect.

I worked a bit with Piddy Man (One of the creator of Pet Swarm Sim) in the past, and he was paying 100k robux only to program all his carnival stalls for his game (Carnival Tycoon), which is a fair price, it is only like 10% of the game programmation.

Also i’m doing some Ui commissions (Medium Quality) and people pay me between 2500 to 15k robux for it.
High quality Ui asset can cost a lot more, like “Chenami” for example, he/she made Ui commissions for 100k to +200k robux but he/she is a very proffesionnal Ui designer.


Thank you for letting me know! I will increase my prices :slight_smile:

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I just moved it, thank you for letting me know I made that mistake :slight_smile:


Many people don’t pay testers as it is a reward to get to play in the first place. Edit: as time has progressed, this is no longer the norm and paying testers is common practice now. See this for more info on testing.

High quality commissions would get you more than

Also, get ready for controversy, you’re paying more for builders for making a single map than your scripters for making a whole game (low end of scale)

Also there are two Scripting titles.

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Even that price is wrong for making a full game.

You want to make a full game for only $350?

That would be a scam lol, most professionals will only work for around $300-1500/mo to work full time.

However this is commission so a full game by high standards can be around $2000-3000; so convert that to Robux and it’ll be around 2-3 million robux.


Yeah, it depends of the game, a obby will require a way less work than a rpg / fighting game for example ^^


heh heh, typo. I just fixed that now

Yes, I put it like that because I feel there is a wider range for what scripters get payed. My friend was once offered 1,000 robux to script an entire game.

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Very interesting approach. I’d like to see how you came up with these prices. Also, you did not encorporate size or amount of detail into the price. Soley quality is not a standard to base your prices upon, at least with building and modeling. This might be different for other expertises such as scripting but the size of the commission plays the biggest role in pricing your work.

I have made a lot of maps before that exceed this price table due to size and amount of detail. To fix this, i’d encorporate some parameters/variables for size and detail.


Other factors to take into account:


  • Size
  • Detail


  • Neatness
  • How advanced is it

There are also other factors.


Why are these different prices?

Do not use these prices as something to estimate people’s prices as some people value their work more than others.

This ain’t it.
There are no “standard prices” for commissions as any job can require a different amount of work, I would like to know what’s the reasoning behind those prices as I don’t think they really make sense at all.
The prices are just so wrong…

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However, is your friend a high quality advanced scripter? Most professionals would instantly deny at those prices.

@wastemanty23 @Abcreator I updated the original post, thank you for your input!

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Medium quality, intermediate. At the time, he had scripted a few small projects but never released any of them publicly.

If anyone wants to script an entire game for $70, hit me up

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Debugging should never be a minimum of 500, that’s ridiculous lol. I’ve personally only debugged scripts for friends as I’ve never considered it as a job, but if it is, I’d say 0+ depending on how long/complicated the system is.

Hiring an influencer will cost much more than 1K-5K. If it’s someone who can really boost your player count from one video/post, you’ll probably be paying in the tens or hundreds of thousands of robux.

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I mean I’m broke so if anyone offered me 20k to script a game I’d accept that in a heartbeat lol

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Thank you for letting me know about the cost of hiring an influencer! I have never hired one so I didn’t know, but I will update my original post now :slight_smile:

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