Common animation issues: megathread or smthg?

So I am not that good with scripting animations and am fairly new with it do you all have any tips/tricks or any ways to avoid common bugs,etc. I will Quote the posts that people send for their tips and tricks over here so anyone else looking for tips can see them


Just search, is that simple.

local Humanoid = --path to humanoid
for _,v in pairs(Humanoid:GetPlayingAnimationTracks) do

Some tips:

  1. Use Animation Events in the editor and :GetMarkerReachedSignal() for different actions in the playing animation.
  2. Use wait(AnimationTrack.Length) instead of writing the (actually wrong) length of the animation. I did that mystake and I regret it.
  3. Do NOT forget to set the “looping” setting in the editor or the animation priority. Very important.
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