Common Client-Server mistakes

This is very impressive I think.

That’s because Prison Life 2 has unsecured remotes (a damage remote with no check). Anticheat doesn’t matter.

I answered this already 2x. When you make it on the client you can sprint as long as you want. On the server the server knows if you are allowed to sprint at the moment [stamina down or not] and can check your speed and know if thats ok or not and can kick/ban /perform any other action.

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This could help you a bit securing your game ig.

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Ok thanks ill check it out and we’ll see the how it goes

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Anti cheat matters! Why are yall con anti cheat? Theres lg no reason against it and many for it.


This game has lg only ~1000mb/~6gb memory. Thats completely normal [bit less than norma]. And there’s lg not even a game, only anti cheat.

:face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: Omg I am more scared about memory leaks that arent there and lag that wouldn’t be because of the anti cheat than about expoliters that can ruin my game.
[Tbh I dont like both]

In my opinion, anticheats (if you’re talking about anti-fly, anti-tp) often cause more problems, take time to do, and still often fire false positives at certain times (ping, lagspikes, or game’s doing). You’re much better off skipping and only going for securing remotes, because no matter the anticheat, it will be eventually bypassed in rather easy ways.


Exploiters bypass this by just changing their WalkSpeed value on the client. The server can’t see those changes and can’t verify anything. This only works if you’re using a custom character controller like Chickynoid

Thats why luckily some people offer there free time to make anti cheats’ so you dont have to, [but they are rly nice to make, you should try too]

rly important too

the dose makes the poison, you need a good combination of a lot.

Too bad they’ll get bypassed easily or not mix well with your game. Not a good idea.

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??? Please
There are many ways to check the real speed of a player on the server. Especially as the spielr often has a slightly different speed than the walk speed.

Depends on the anti-cheat.

Depends on the anti-cheat and you.

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More advanced is more resource consuming

So why resort to using remotes? Just let the client handle the value and use those other methods to verify whether they’re going too fast or not

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you still have around 6gb and blank spaces with rly much anti cheat sometimes use only 1200mb and rly blank spaces like 900mb

I’m just saying, there’s a point where it’s too much. Almost everything can probably be bypassed in stupid ways (Anti-tp? I’ll just tweenservice) and the more you worry about anticheats, I have a huge feeling the player’s experience will be worse if they keep being put back/punished by the anticheat by false positives.
Then again, it is your game, so it is your choice. But me, I personally care more about how the game plays than worrying about exploiters.

And “it depends on the anticheat” doesn’t really mean anything. Most of it are the same checks already done in many anticheats.

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As I have to say for the 3rd time now, how is the server supposed to know if the client has the stamina to run or not and still runs?

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It doesn’t! you don’t care, cheater can change it anyways, character have network ownership

That really goes to the top.
—You also have a firewall, even though it can be bypassed and takes a little bit of power/memory from your computer.
It depends on the anticheat how they check, how good they are made

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