Common Client-Server mistakes

ummm? how you use firewall to block cheats that are injected inside your computer?

Thats the reason why it has to be on the server. The server can check [I say that for the 5x time], how fast the player moves vs. how fast hes allowed to.

A little knowledge of what the server can and cannot do, and what the cleint can and cannot do would be appropriate for the programmer role.

That was an example against all your performance droning.

for what? unnecesary performance loss, simply don’t care of it, most of time it doesn’t matter

Why do you still have your firewall on then? I mean its “unnecesary performance loss, simply don’t care of it, most of time it doesn’t matter” [because you dont get hacked 24/7, only 24/6đŸ€Ș]

What firewall, we don’t use Windows but roblox, on client you don’t have performance loss because it only works for client, which means no server replication is needed

Once more, this is pointless. The client has network ownership of their character; an exploiter can just skip the middle-man.

Client → Remote → Server

We’ve been explaining to you what client can do already, and because of what the client can do in this case, adding the server to the mix will yield mixed-to-negative results. You can add this to your game, just don’t expect it to actually catch exploiters

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It was a example from your computer. Its not different there. On roblox, the same reason why you have an anticheat applies, even if it takes a little memory, as for the firewall on windows.

Oh cool! It protects me! Oh wait. It kind of messes with my servers I try to host for other games and port fowarding. Huh. Even firewall rules sometimes dont work. I wonder how that’s linked to anticheats sometimes also causing problems themselves. Better off than on.

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I am speechless. For the 6th time. There are super simple methods to check the speed of the client (on the server) without him being able to manipulate it. Please at least deal with the subject a little first and then post.

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Hm, then I wonder why you still have your firewall? I mean it failed for 1 hacker out in 100! Why dont let the others in? [IRONIC!!!]

simple, anti-cheats are not needed, because most of cheaters are those who can’t code and simply copy-paste scripts, change local script name and location and you’ll anger exploiters soo much they will simply give up, why i need to make server side anticheat that have to replicate to all clients

Thats your choise, I’ll just say this much: it can backfire and cost players.
There’s also something suspicious in your answer. You know that you can also make findFirstChild recursive, right? game:FindFirstChild("SuPeRsEcUrElOcAlAnTiChEaT", true). Also roblox will add the id feature soon.
[idk if it will be like that]UniquieID(1021029320193120[You cant change that])

Offtopic but let’s face it, you’ve probably havent gotten anything malicious done to your computer in a while. I have my antivirus and firewall off. Often times more than that, it blocked programs I was trying to use that had no malicious intent. Unless you do something stupid on the internet, it barely matters. In a way, this can be attributed to Roblox games themselves. The real deal for exploiters often times more than basic stuff like flying and such are remotes themselves. That’s the real gold if you can do stuff like killaura, dupe items, etc etc. So if you’re careful with remotes, it makes tenfold of a difference than anticheats. But hey, my opinion. I do see why you think anticheats are important.

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You keep saying you can just the speed on the server, but you also say you can’t check the stamina on the server. Just store the stamina for each player on the server?? This feels like a circular argument.

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Lol t’?
The 2. thing was a problem when you would run it on the client.
Don’t take anything out of context.

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for what? bro simple, anti-cheats are useless for 70% of games that you will ever make because of only mechanics fact or genre of the game, in those 30% of “exploitable” games you have cheats that are no-harm or small-harm that doesn’t matter! Most of the time make secure remotes and client side anti cheat, some random guy who installed 3 viruses and injector can’t remove your scripts unless he know how to use devEx or some other explorer viewer.

At the end, your argument that server sided anti-cheats are usefull because you can’t bypass them is indeed pointless.

Don’t be afraid of cheaters, they can’t harm your game more than you trying to stop them, accept that some random guy can run super fast, if even player don’t like it, you can add vote-kick or report system inside your game that can kick player depending on votes about it, this way cheater would be no more a thread.

If you really scared of cheaters, hire 100000 admins and give them commands to ban each other, i’m sure it will help :rofl:

Every game without very very super godly good anti cheat is exploitable.


Votekick would be one system for example out of many that would help.

Don’t be afraid of cheaters, they can’t harm your game more than you trying to stop them
So wrong. can assure you that players will leave your game in droves when e.g. first person shooter auto aim, protect the mayor, tp hack [ex. Anomic], jailbreak tp, speed, auto aim etc
 The quickest way to make players leave your game is to get a good hacker on it.

Oh, ok, i’m sure there are 1000s of cheaters in pet simulator 99 that will harm your experience soo much this game is unplayable

Not a one in all solution. You think moderation is gonna be on the game 24/7 to stop the server being wrecked by the cheater immediately?

Votekick systems result in misuse. I wouldn’t implement one even if I had to. Player dominating server? Kicked for being too good or accused as a cheater.