Common Grammatical Errors: Person and I?

Forget whatever your elementary school teacher told you! It’s not always correct to say, for example, “Sharon and I”. This is going to be a rather short tutorial, but it’s an important one (since the majority of developers are doing this wrong)!

Understanding the Difference Between I and Me

To understand the difference between I and me, you have to first understand what subjects and objects are. A subject is a noun that is “doing” a verb, and an object is a thing being affected by it. In the below example, I will put the subject is bold text and the object in capital letters.

Example: The rock was thrown through a WINDOW.

The rock is the subject because of the fact that it is the noun “doing” the verbs was and thrown. The window is the object because it is the noun affected by the verbs. Please note that subjects and objects are always nouns.

Now that you know what subjects and objects are (though some of you may have already), you must understand that I is always the subject, and you also have to know that me is the object.

“Builderman and I” or “Builderman and Me”?

Builderman’s going to be our test subject today, and we’re going to show you how to differentiate between whether to use I or me. Remember: I is subjective, and me is objective.

Look at the below example. It shows a sentence where you would use I.

Example: Builderman and I worked together to ban several spamming bots from Roblox.

Notice that I is “doing” the verb worked. Below is an example of when to use me.

Example: Ultraw built a cool game with Builderman and me.

It looks awkward, but I promise that is is correct. I’ll teach you a quick trick for this rule. When you are unsure whether to use me or I, simply get rid of that extra person and see if it makes sense.

Example: I worked to ban several spamming bots from Roblox.
Example: Ultraw built a cool game with me.

Hope this helped! You’ll get an A in school for this, and you’ll also get to be a smart aleck to all those grammar trolls in your DMs.


Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, and if it is, I’ll take it down. But here’s my point of view on these tutorials.

They are interesting and helpful for improving grammar. Perhaps you can find a way to dimly connect grammar to developers’ success. However, people aren’t going to browse this section looking for ways to improve their grammar. People look here for Roblox development tutorials. If people needed help with their grammar, this section would never be the place they’d look. With that being said, I’m not sure how useful a bunch of grammar tutorials are going to be in this section.

Perhaps a single thread that briefly covers a few common mistakes that make developers look silly, but other than that, I’m not sure.


The goal for me is to help developers by helping them with specific mistakes I see prominent in games on Roblox. In tutorials, I see mistakes that appear in other games’ tutorials, and those are the only mistakes I plan to cover, so my posts are actually specifically for the developers.

It is for the reason stated that I am posting these threads—that developers would look them up if they thought they needed help with grammar. Since the errors pop up in games all the time, it’s evidence that developers do believe they are correct, and to make their games more professional (and for Roblox to reach a wider audience), correct grammar—English (and other languages) in general, really—is essential.

One of the reasons why Roblox is really pushing localization right now is so that we can reach people around the world; not just by translating through Google but also by accommodating to their slang, their lexicon, and their preferred use of language, and the same applies to English, the language we see most on Roblox. At this point, Roblox, in my opinion, is really expanding, and we are reaching more than just players—Roblox has reached various news outlets and media.

Of course, I make mistakes too. No one is perfect, but I am always looking for more information and knowledge, and it is thus that I do understand where you’re coming from; however, I believe that the overall pros and cons are more weighted towards benefits, and I hope you’ll see where I’m coming from too: Not only will better English be more professional, but it will also grow our opportunities.

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I don’t think an unpopular opinion should be taken down. Keeping unpopular opinions in discussion is important.

Anyway, I agree this probably isn’t the section to post a load of grammar tutorials, though having one post ready to be used as a resource is arguably helpful to developers.

That being said, I think these threads would be even more helpful if they weren’t all scattered around. My suggestion for @DerpyMcDerpell would be to move these threads to #bulletin-board, and make one thread in #learning-resources:tutorials referencing all the grammar tutorials in #bulletin-board. The way it’s set up now, it isn’t a helpful resource for grammar as I could currently get all of this elsewhere all in once place, rather than searching through multiple threads on the developer forum.


I’ll consider that. Thanks. ;3

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