[COMMS CLOSED] LionManhattan | Programmer, Builder, GFX/Logo Designer

Hello there! I’m LionManhattan, and I’ve been on this platform for a while. I’ve been developing since a year, but I’m still learning about Roblox development. I am a first year college student, majoring in Computer Science. I have experience with multiple programming languages, including C++, C, PERL, etc., and now learning Lua. Along with CS, I have a great interest in astronomy and law enforcement, which is why a lot of my past work is related to those topics.

I am looking for basic building/logo/GFX projects, or scripting projects. In terms of scripting, I have a good knowledge of Lua and Roblox scripting, and I’m fine with most projects that don’t involve CFrames, vehicle/gun scripts and camera manipulation, as I’m learning them.

I’ve worked as a devleoper for small groups, started by my friends in the past, and I’m looking to officially start my developing career.

Here are some screenshots of my logos/GFX

The Mafia GFX

Cupcake Studios Logo

GFX done for a friend

Another GFX done for a friend

Sheriff’s Office livery

Logo for Cupcake BOT

Logo for GBI (Golfbois Bureau of Investigation) Cybercrimes Division

Here are some screenshots of my scripting projects

Click to see demonstration video: iExotic 11 Pro Max
Working iPhone-esque smartphone with working call/receiving w/ chat filtering, notes, music w/ settings, etc. Check Youtube video above for demo.

Working prison time/cash/wallet DataStore system. In addition, a license plate system DataStore that stores license plates, and creates one if the player is new.

Cupcake Science Fair
Random game for fun math/science stuff. Includes pi approximation using the Madhava–Leibniz series for pi and Snell’s law in different media.

Here are some screenshots of my building projects

Glock 19

Lambert Gas Station

Titan (Saturnian moon) terrain, skybox, lighting. Note: US flag not my creation

Prices are generally non-negotiable, and I usually accept per asset. My preferred payment method is Robux ONLY. My prices will be lower than others since I’m still new to commissions and Roblox developing, and I’m looking for experience, so please contact me if interested.

You can contact me here on Discord: lion!#9993 or here in Developer Forum.
I am available mostly on weekends and some weekdays, and I usually work on short term commissions (not for entire projects). My timezone is CST/EST.

Thank you for reading! :slight_smile:


Excellent scripter, manages to fixed an identified problem almost immediately. Would highly recommend hiring if you need scripting services from this absolute specimen of a chad

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