Community Manager Job [Closed]


About Us

Hi there! We are a Mega Studios, that is making a simulator game. This game is almost done, We hope to release next week or the week after. We have a a small development team that is working very hard to get this game out. We’re looking for a Community Manager who are willing to join our team and work with to help run are community.

About The Job

We are looking for a very professional person to join our team as our Community Manager. We expect good team work skills along with many others personal traits. Good communication skills are a must, as we check in once or twice a week to keep updated with game progress and other stuff.


We’re looking for someone who is easily excited by our games wants to help grow our communities. You will:

  • Talk to thousands of fans via Twitter & Discord
  • Design tweets and announcements for updates, events & more
  • Manage Discord servers with tens of thousands of players
  • Run your own staff team to help out
  • Able to use Google Forms/Docs (WELL)
  • Have fun


You will be paid 5-10% of are group, this can go up if you do very well and we like you. If not you will stay at that 5%.

Contact Us

You can contact on Discord at Chris_Dev#8883 with a portfolio and a small resume so I can know more about you. You must be 16 years or older to apply.

Thanks for reading! :slight_smile:

Hello! I am interested In this job. I am an Developer, and I have an Development Portofolio.

Dm me on Discord at ChrisRodman#8883

It says that I can’t

Add me Daffydavinko#0078 or we can talk on Dev Forum.

it’s Chris_Dev#8883 sorry about that!

Sent friend request ChrisRodman!

Thanks for everyone that applied I have picked and hired a Community Manager!

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