Main Rules
Exploiting is not permitted within CRP. This should be common sense (Perm Ban.)
No trolling of any sort is permitted within CRP.
Do not insult others, our game is for players to interact with others. Insulting is not allowed!
Selling groups is not allowed within CRP, as stated on Roblox’s Terms of Use. -
No staff impersonation is permitted.
Asking to be Moderator/Admin will not get you anywhere.
Booths must be used correctly. If you are using booths to troll or just listen to music your booth will most likely be removed by an Admin.
If staff says you are in the wrong, do not argue or disrespect them. Contact a higher staff and report them if you feel you didn’t do anything wrong.
Don’t play music aimed to annoy or troll others, this includes overly loud sounds.
Do not spam the help command, this will result in you being removed from the server.
Our Staff team have the right to remove you from our game if you violate any of these rules. If you continue to violate them after being removed from the server this will result in a ban from higher staff. If you would like to appeal your ban you can do so on our Discord server linked under our game description or on our group.
Rules Broken Down
If you are repeatedly annoying players in game after they told you to stop. Then you’re trolling. If this happens in game our Staff team will take action.
If you are to insult someone within our game or hurt another users feelings you will be removed from this game. We do not condone bullying of any sort.
Common Sense
As long as you use Common Sense within our game you should be good to go. Most of our rules is generally Common Sense and if you do something silly or out of line action will be taken.
Misuse of Features
If you are using a booth for the wrong reason such as Trolling, spamming or even Playing loud music your booth will be removed. Booths must be used for Group purposes only. Such as clothing, GFX, groups etc.
This just goes down as Common Sense really. This is against Roblox’s rules. Don’t do it or you’ll be removed. Even if you are just using it to walk faster.
Selling Groups
Group selling is not permitted within CRP. This is also against Roblox’s terms of use and is disallowed. You can read more about it here.
Begging for Robux or Admin powers is not allowed within our game. This can get very annoying and could possibly go down as trolling. If you would like to be an Admin you can apply on our Discord if applications are open.
Scamming is not allowed within our game. If we see that you’re scamming within CRP you will be instantly banned by a Staff Member.
Explicit Content
Explicit music or decals is not allowed within our game. If you are doing this your booth will be remove and you will be removed from the game.
If you are caught Impersonating as Staff you will be removed. This is common sense really.
CRP Staff earned their position and you will need to do this same process to become a Staff Member.
Interfering with Staff
Interfering with Staff is not allowed within our game. Our Staff have a lot on their plate as it is.
While Staff are busy talking to someone or removing someone from the game DO NOT attempt to shout at them or stand in-front of them. This can get very annoying for Staff who are trying to do their job.
If you are told to stop, you must listen to that member of Staff. If you believe they are in the wrong you may contact a higher member of Staff,
If you are banned from our game there will always be a reason. If you would like to appeal you can send an appeal to our discord server.
Chain of Command
How our command structure works is pretty simple.
Trial Moderator
Head Admin