Community Resources Rules are vague and requires changes

To be fair, I was completely unaware that there was a free alternative for converting GUI to Roact at the time. Even after a few Google searches, you only really ever find my plugin.

And I’m not the biggest fan of people not being allowed to upload resources because it’s “Reinventing the Wheel.” I think people are allowed to solve problems for themselves, even if it is just a worse version of x. I also didn’t “steal” any code in case that’s the impression you got from my plugin.

I also think my topic doesn’t exactly deserve an image or video explanation. You really just select a GuiObject and press the convert key underneath the plugin on the plugin bar. I doubt most people require a full video to figure that out.


I just replied. Also you do know I’m still joking, right?

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I don’t think there’s any harm in healthy competition when it comes to plugins. I’m actually planning on moving Codify to a solely paid plugin eventually, so the free alternatives will become more relevant.

I also don’t think it’s necessarily “reinventing the wheel.” It’s all about the implementation. Some plugins may boast an array of features and configurations, but the UX may be awful, essentially making it useful to nobody. Other plugins might only handle the one feature, but implement it really well.

In the case of Codify, I believe the main generation tab is done well, but the settings page can be really overwhelming, especially for new users. This might be an instance where something like @ImInversed’s GUI to Roact or @metatablecatmaid’s Convert to Fusion plugins might have an edge, in that the interfaces are simpler and they just work™.


At least you did write long enough

If you were unaware, It’s okay! I was unaware about that feature when I released ScanHumanoid yet Everyone replied saying that I “reinvented the wheel”

Me too, I’m not a fan of people being banned for “reinventing the wheel”, Take a look at one of my favorite quotes

“Sometimes a new wheel is a better wheel…”

– Misterx113

I know you didn’t steal any code, Your’s is just one script, while Codify’s one is more advanced and complicated (sorry cxmeels but I appreciate your plugin), and some people make plugins for themselves like I do, but Codify will become a paid plugin (and the creator mentioned it)


Your plugin only functions with a single button click when digging deeper into the code, soo that is kind of necessary but not required

@bloodbonniekingnoob1 Haha, what a good joke you got there

@cxmeels Thanks for letting me know about that, I will create a free alternative to Codify when it becomes a full paid plugin (unless you don’t want me to)

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I digress, but you guys are more than welcome to create your own Instance to code converter plugins. It’s not a concept I own the rights to.


If I could get my lz4 compressor to actually compress properly, I’d write the serialiser half of my lxm library, so you can do stuff with RBXM buffers

(@ roblox unlock (de)serialiseinstances pls).

On the main topic, I believe competition is healthy and motivates developers to make their plugins better, at the same time, its the developer’s right to sell their plugin however they want to (within reason).

Virus plugins are also still a problem, though I dont see them as much now that roblox cracked down on obfuscated code


I haven’t seen a single virus plugin in #resources:community-resources, but I agree that competition can help developers make their plugin better, and it’s their right to sell their plugin how they want to with a reason

I don’t think you know what these modules are for. They’re not just number modules, they’re modules for going above 1.7e+308/10^308, the 64 bit floating point limit. Roblox doesn’t let you do this, so its not really reinventing the wheel.

There are multiple modules that do this same thing, but they have different uses (using functions or metamethods for +, -, *, /, etc.) and varying levels of performance and accuracy (more accuracy and less performance or more performance and less accuracy?).

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I know, but I wish someone makes a feature request to allow roblox to let us go through 1.7e+308/10^308

I know, but I will remove the Reinventing the Wheel category of this post

Feature requests and community resources are unrelated.

As I mentioned earlier in another topic, this is about a problem that a developer found a workaround for.

Roblox engineers have limited time so a “don’t post solutions to bugs” or “don’t add features we could’ve added ourselves” rule would be very unrealistic and counter-intuitive.

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