After having to spend a few days porting existing UI from a few different games I previously worked on to Roact code (Which was not a fun task), I created this neat plugin, GUI To Roact, to just get most of that bulk work done.
Keep in mind that this isn’t a plugin that I currently plan to actively update and improve, but it’s rather just a quick tool instead.
You must use either the Roblox format documentation button or Stylua from VSCode to correctly format it.
You may have to delete some unnecessary properties.
It may also add an extra amount of zero’s to properties like size or position that you will have to delete.
Select a GuiObject(not a screengui) like a Frame or TextLabel and press the convert button in the plugin toolbar.
whats the point of this? its a plugin that costs money. this is a free plugin, and anyways you shouldnt be sending this without any context just to make fun of OP