Community Social Links Improperly Formatted

If you attempt to add your roblox group on social links in any game, it will give you an error complaining it is improperly formatted and cannot be saved. You have to then replace the “communities” with “groups”.

Roblox Staff claimed this was fixed, but it isn’t as i tested it a few hours ago, and just now before this post.
Since i am unable to post attachments, here is an unlisted youtube video showcasing the issue:

Since i am unable to reply to my own posts for some reason, here is the link that showcases that roblox claimed they fix it. (I had to remove the page URL link since im limited to 2 links per post)

Roblox Staff asked me to remove the group name from the url, which i did, if they litterally watched the entire video they’d see i did remove it.

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Where did they claim this was fixed?

This report is a duplicate, and the original hasn’t received a staff response:

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In this one: Roblox community social link saying "The social link url was improperly formatted." when it is with already an engineer addressing the issue

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Hi @gribabuba please paste the community link using this format

We currently do not allow the Community (Group) name in the url