Hey everyone! I’m currently working with a compass right now and I’m struggling to get true north to point to the bearing of 0. Not sure what’s going on with the math, and I’m also pretty bad at it, but the portion of the code that sets the text of the Coordinates textfield should be displaying 0 when the compass is north, and up to 360 degrees. 360 IS 0 degrees. 360 should be true north, but instead of saying 360, it should say 0. I’m very bad with math, so I need help:
--// Compass
local look = cam.CFrame.LookVector
local look = Vector3.new(look.x, 0, look.z).unit
local lookY = math.atan2(look.z, look.x)
local difY = restrictAngle(lookY - compassLastY)
lookY = restrictAngle(compassLastY + difY*dt*compassSmoothness)
compassLastY = lookY
local angle = lookY
if angle < 0 then
angle = angle + 7
angle = math.deg(angle)
for unit, rot in pairs(units) do
rot = restrictAngle(lookY - rot)
if math.sin(rot) > 0 then
local cosRot = math.cos(rot)
local cosRot2 = cosRot*cosRot
unit.Visible = true
unit.Position = UDim2.new(0.5 + cosRot*0.6, unit.Position.X.Offset, 0, 3)
unit.TextTransparency = -0.25 + 1.25 * cosRot2
--unit.BackgroundTransparency = 0.00 + 1.50*cosRot2
compass_Frame.Coordinates.Text = tostring(angle + 0.5 - (angle + 0.5) % 1)
unit.Visible = false