Compatibility Lighting becomes Retro Tone Mapping [Sunset + Migration]

Oh yeah completely forgot about Murder Mystery 2. Yeah it is unfortunate that roblox doesnt use this opportunity to give developers control over how your game looks, but I think this is somewhat good for the future of the engine. Roblox has been sticking to old concepts way too long, for example not giving developers the ability to control the graphics settings which was originally declined due to them wanting to make it easier for new developers. They also used the same reason to decline the FPS setting option for a long time and now they’ve finally realised that they could have done that a long time ago and just have developers deal with it (which is how it should be).


That’s cool. Now make cel-shading easier to achieve.


New Lighting instances? I love it


would look almost identical on old games if brightness was changed by +1, even on future lighting


This is unfortunate, but understandable, but I like that we actually get a replacement that is similar. When reading the title, I thought Tone Mapping would be something like ColorCorrection, but have some more customization such as gradients for the TintColor, and stuff like that. (I didn’t see the Compatibility removal part at first). I do think though that gradients with ColorCorrection would be interesting though.


@LightBeamRays I’m very excited to see that Roblox is moving in the direction of enabling us to have lighting customization more on-par with that available in other engines. However, having worked with tonemapping presets in my workflows for a few years now, I do have a few questions:

  1. Are there plans to release the available tonemapping presets for use by developers in other software (i.e. Substance Suite, Blender, ect) for use in our workflows?

  2. Are there plans to allow for user-created presets via a standard such as OpenColorIO? Such a feature would be amazing for allowing for artists to see what their work will look like in-engine more accurately from where they are working.

  3. Are there plans to allow for a similar solution to be used to convert 16-bit float colors to 8-bit color in order to potentially allow for HDR support? There have been numerous requests for such a change - and it potentially allowing for HDRIs or even .IES support would close what is one of the biggest remaining gaps in potential for graphical fedelity between Roblox and other engines.


Thousands compared to the 40+ million games that are on roblox. Safe to say, that lighting was not used very much at all.

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Try adjusting the bloom setting under lighting

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I really hope more color grading properties to be added soon!

I can’t wait to make a better lighting for my game!!

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This wouldn’t be surprising if this is for the “New Voxel Grid” on the roadmap, which sounds quite promising (tho on the other hand i dont see problem of Compatibility lighting still co-existing).
Definitely looking forward for updated voxel lighting and potentially new features for ColorGrading though.

Absolutely no idea. The only way to achieve it is to mock Froxel units via particles or beams.
Lighting is really limiting, especially the 60 light range limit which we’ve all been hating for quite a while.

(also i expect a really small minority of games using Compatibility lighting so i dont think this change will to be detrimental)

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May you Rest In Peace, Compatibility Lighting. :saluting_face:


I love the addition of ColorGrading, it can make really nice effects like this cartoony lighting (before vs after):

(The main difference is less intense gradients on the 2nd photo.)

I’m glad to see Roblox Lighting getting some updates. Keep up the great work, Roblox engine team!


Aw man, gonna miss the classic lighting. I’m glad that they provide guidance on transitioning from compatibility and the way how this is handled.

Command bar always seems to undo the code ran and the last studio action. I wonder if it’s intentional

Well, that sucks.

I see why the removal of this lighting system is important to keep updating studio with new features, its sad that it needs to be removed, but Im glad that at least its not being removed in an instant without any warnings, and that there are good alternatives being made to replace it.


Are we ever gonna get an increase in light ranges? Maybe even remove the limit all together. Because I find a max range of “60” way too small. It would complement the new lightning system quite well too.


Thanks for calling this out @HooferBevelops! We edited the post :slight_smile:


not this again
Compatibility is the only way to remove some annoying features of Voxel+ and make older games look right

Whats next, removing Voxel? Compatibility existed because it ran off the same engine as Voxel so took virtually 0 maintenance. It being removed makes me concerned for Voxel’s future. Compatibility and Voxel are the last renderers that look like the silly block game roblox used to be



You really see it in the highlights. Awesome looking stuff!

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