Skies are unusably dark without HDR support or brightness/contrast controls

A brightly-lit sky - at absolute maximum brightness that the texture can support - is outshined by a simple white part under almost all Roblox lighting setups.

I am sure the visual example would suffice as a complete demonstration of how ridiculous this is, but in the interest of completeness, I’ve chosen to at least write some more words about the issue.

The basic problem here is that skyboxes (specifically as implemented in Roblox) are completely non-physically-based.

Skyboxes are supposed to encode radiance from the surrounding environment. In other words, every pixel of the skybox is not just some RGB colour like you might assume - instead, it’s more like the colour that a PointLight emits. It’s conceptually unbounded in brightness and has a different brightness falloff compared to what’s used in textures (gamma for those who want to look into it).

Unfortunately, Roblox’s skyboxes are terrible at encoding the information they are, by almost all PBR definitions, supposed to be encoding.

The largest issue is that Roblox’s skyboxes are SDR. The maximum radiance that can be output by a skybox is (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).

Sounds bright? Under Roblox’s tone mapping, that only equates to (223, 223, 223) on-screen. That’s exactly equivalent to a Neon part with a measly (131, 131, 131) Color.

It’s not even bright enough to naturally bloom - and this is supposed to be the big bright light source taking up half of the screen!

The sky should be able to get much, much brighter than this. Here’s Blender with an actually-physically-sensible rendering of a skybox - look how the light naturally blooms around the object, because the sky is bright enough to make the virtual camera sensor bleed.

So, how is this done? Most commonly; using HDR textures. HDR textures allow the red, green and blue parts of an image to go as high or as low as needed, by setting aside a few more bits per colour channel. They are more memory intensive, and so are definitely not something to be slathered everywhere possible. However, for this use case, it’s incredibly difficult to achieve this good of a result without the proper range of brightnesses available.

If Roblox can make HDR textures work for skyboxes, they absolutely should, and absolutely soon. This is a massive glaring flaw in the lighting model!

Now, it’s entirely possible that this would cause an unacceptable increase in download sizes, or perhaps it wouldn’t fit neatly in texture buffers across different hardware. So, there are also ways of making SDR skybox textures less, well, terrible.

Primarily, what I would want to see as a lighting designer is brightness. Much as you would the Brightness on a SurfaceGui, you should be able to modulate the Brightness of the skybox so that you can hit higher brightnesses. You won’t get the full HDR effect of truly bright objects, but it’ll at least help lift your sunlight up above the world’s brightness.

An important secondary property that goes hand-in-hand would be contrast - pulling up the brightness of highlights should not be at the expense of the darkness of shadows. There are often dramatic contrasts in skyboxes between darker land and brighter sky, which needs to be preserved for the skybox to look good. So, where brightness lets you modulate the overall brightness, contrast should let you increase the brightness difference between highlights and shadows, so that they stay in the appropriate parts of the spectrum.

The only mechanism we have today to adjust the brightness of the skybox is ExposureCompensation. For any decent effect, you usually need to push it up to 1.5 or higher, which looks like this when you adjust some other lighting settings. Remember, this is the maximum brightness of this sky, looking directly at the sun.

So, what’s the problem with this? There’s two large ones:

  • As you increase ExposureCompensation, you start running into colour fringing in lighting details, and generally the precision of colours is demolished, because Roblox processes most lighting with limited precision, and this is stretching out the limited precision over a larger range of brightnesses.
  • This is a global parameter, requiring whole-game adjustments. You can try and auto-adjust for this if you write a lot of code to handle every single case, but especially with more modern technology like clouds, there’s pretty lame adjustability and usually you’ll just have to stomach a fundamentally different look.

This is completely untenable for lighting artists or asset pack creators who can’t usually waltz into a project, make them change all their assets, and demolish the quality of all of their smoothly coloured assets in the process, so I think it would be safe to describe this workaround as a non-starter for most people.

So, to conclude: HDR textures for skies are sorely missing, and we need control over sky brightness independent of global parameters. I have faith that this is possible and that it shouldn’t be hard to do, but I am somewhat amused that it didn’t exist yet.


Also, for clarity here since a couple people got in touch about it: no, I don’t actually have beef with Roblox over this, and this isn’t some indictment of Roblox being terrible. It’s especially not an invitation to talk about Unreal Engine (looking at you, every other thread about graphics).

I’m merely a perpetually-frustrated lighting designer! I just want more than a grey blob for a sun. Roblox have cool lighting stuff in the works, so it’s not like it can’t be done. I’m just poking fun at the dumb stuff that we’ve dealt with for years :slight_smile:


Honestly at this point, I feel like we need a complete skybox overhaul. There’s quite a lot of posts, like this one, discussing their limitations, and you don’t have to experiment with them a lot to realise that they are insanely restrictive in what they allow you to do. Yes, the lack of HDR skyboxes are an issue - but it’s a symptom of Roblox’s restrictive skybox system which I feel would be better addressed as a whole rather than just a few parts.
(Just for clarity this isn’t meant to belittle your feature request. I’d just like to see an entirely new skybox system, which should also fix this issue :grin:)


Roblox just needs better HDR support, period. Roblox’s bloom isn’t as good as it could be, implementation of a tonemapper like ACES would be really simple, and HDRI support is long overdue.

Things like this would go far to improve the look of roblox a lot.


Just remembered that in the hackweek presentation of Future is Bright, the video actually showcased light adaptation and a higher quality bloom than what we have now. The light adaptation was too bright but you can see that it was really darn realistic.



This is still a totally needed feature, seems at least somewhat feasible to the extent of my knowledge.
Along with that, Roblox is missing alot of cruciual lighting features in general that are needed to truly align a game’s visuals to a developer’s artistic vision.


I agree, it’s about time we get more options to play with when it comes to skyboxes

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Never paid attention to this until now.
There needs to be more done than just add HDR and brightness/contrast/saturation controls. Skybox system is kinda limited and requires hacky workarounds just so it looks as bright as needed.

I’ve been also bothered there’s no way to tint the skybox or make a procedural one with ColorSequences or other various tools (remember Godot Engine? Something similiar to that).
With Roblox upping their engine capabilities, old features become less sufficent, which means they need to be improved, and lighting system is a good example.

Additionally, what’s been more bothering me is the lighting. Why? Because there’s no voluemtric fog/light, light range limit (which is reasonable enough because voxel lighting becomes jank at ranges >90. pretty sure new voxel grid will help combat this), no light attenuation and no way to fine-tune shadows for each light. Skyboxes are limited too. Basically, lighting system is simply becoming insufficent and needs to be addressed.


HDR support on Roblox would be the next best thing to come alongside framerate.


Bumpy, bump bump.
Thank goodness I found this post, skyboxes need an overhaul. I love messing around with lighting in a game and I always found the current skybox system to be limiting in a lot of ways, HDRI support would greatly benefit the ways I could play around with lighting and potentially make better things with it.

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To illustrate the difference that HDR skyboxes can make:

I had to use pretty hacky workarounds to achieve this, and it’s still very imperfect.


How did you manage to do this? I know its hacky but it looks cool.

(Sorry for bumping old thread)


Looking at this made me realize how limited the default sky actually is.
I never knew it was this… non-white.

I should have noticed this considering I’m a perfectionist and a 3D artist also but somehow this never caught my eye.

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You have no idea how much I want this.

Currently I have to import 10 different variants of the same skybox, all 6 sides, to get the best version of it when Roblox could much more easily give us better controls.

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I refuse to believe this is Roblox. lol

But I agree we need more control over the lighting - moreso than just skyboxes in general (the ugly auto-generated reflections, for instance.)

Is what you are basically describing that skyboxes in lets say HLSL, when we output a vec4 in the result of the shader, that it can go above values of like

out = vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

Like, essentially skyboxes would act as if they are emissive in a way? Basically like SurfaceGUI brightness?

That’s what I understand from this.

Uhh , whats is your monitor name? , Mine is Samsung Odyssey G3 and really has no HDR support

They don’t mean hdr support as in support for hdr displays, they meant support for hdr images for skyboxs so they don’t have whites that appear grey due to roblox’s tonemapping(can be disabled with colorgrading set to retro) that also causes skies to have innacurate lighting from bright spots aswell due to them not being able to surpass the colour grey.

That looks astonishingly good for whenever it was recorded for ROBLOX lighting. Very ahead of its time.

Definitely not a one size fits all fix, but the Retro color grading shows the raw colors of the sky. It’s not proper HDR, but it’s a good alternative if you want sky colors to be brighter. Putting 0.2 contrast on color correction coupled with it makes it look closest to the default color grading while keeping the sky color good from what I can tell.