Compatibility Lighting becomes Retro Tone Mapping [Sunset + Migration]

True. Compatibility was lightweight, it shouldn’t be too hard to maintain. Just clamp Brightness, change tone map curve and disable anisotropic occupancy.

I’m pretty sure more people are using Compatibility than had issues with Lighting system’s scalibility other than migration of Compatibility to Voxel. Tho I’m not exactly sure. Like Ittr said,

I’m pretty sure a lot of people use Compatibility because it clamps brightness, which makes it easier to light up areas without making it too bright.

Compatibility is actualy more both. While Compatibilility was originaly made to replicate the old Legacy Technology, it is also often used as an artistic choice due to the tone mapping curve, the brightness clamping, and light anisotropy.

Then limit it to Voxel technology, after all Lighting.ColorShift_Bottom is limited to Voxel. (as far as I know)

Again, Compatibility was lightweight, it shouldn’t be too hard to maintain. Just clamp Brightness, change tone map curve and disable anisotropic occupancy.

Just make it not scriptable (I’m getting kinda tired I kinda regret wasting time writing this reply)
Also I sugest making a guide for Migrating from Compatibility to Voxel I’ve already made mine you could maybe do better.


i was wondering why it didn’t appear for me

This is cool, of course, but when we see additions to the shadow technology of the future, or an additional post-processing effect, like chromatic aberration? I hope it will be added someday. Of course, I may be wrong and there are enough effects, but for a more realistic game, it seems to me that it is not enough :upside_down_face:

The shadow issues can usually be fixed by just turning up your ambient or disabling shadows for the biggest parts.

The more I read the damages caused by the update the more I realise how unnecessary this is. I would keep defending to keep the compatibility lighting technology or provide an alternative that isn’t just “close enough”, however I don’t look at this update as Roblox trying to improve there platform or anything like that, since the start I looked at it as just an excuse for Roblox to remove something that makes it harder to experience old Roblox (Yes I know compatibility is used for more than that), hence there terrible logic on justifying it’s sunsetting and lack of motivation to do anything about it. If you guys actually want to do something about it there are a lot better ways to do it, I would recommend some sort of petition to give Roblox an idea on how beloved this lighting technology really is (Make sure the petition goes into detail on the flaws of removing it and why the alternative provided by Roblox is not good) and just hope a big YouTuber covers it at which point non-developers will not want the update either which is Roblox’s main target audience which will result in them not sunsetting it.

This is the only realistic way I can think of Roblox actually keeping the technology, arguing with them here isn’t doing anything, they aren’t going to agree with you no matter how good ur argument is, they work for a company and they are going to defend there actions no matter what.


I think this update is pretty fine for most part. I mean, there’s not really much problems, but there’s definitely some flaws in it such as poor quality shadows, not accurately correct lighting, so you are right about that. Hope ROBLOX fixes that soon, otherwise we would be doomed.


but im LAZY
i dont wanna edit every single building in my game because roblox said so

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this absolutely breaks my game’s lighthing by a lot. two examples here:

This is how the game looks usually.
Now: this is how it looks with the new “same format lighthing” (Which looks NOTHING alike)

All colors are oddly changed and is not even the same. fix this because one of my game’s style is because is all plain colors. with this update, all colors look so uneven and odd.

What solution do you have for Developers that use this lighthing? I don’t understand why it has to be like that: Always removing old features to add new ones, Why not having BOTH at the same time? what’s the issue behind that?


No idea, it seems like every update nowadays has to “sunset” an older feature


Try the ambient thing then. It doesn’t affect light areas - only dark ones. It might solve your problem, it helped in some of my games.

im LAZY, i work on lots of games with tons of lighting settings. Its just a huge bother to change everything when there was zero need to completly remove the feature.

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Yeah, i get that… but unless you have thousands of games… this is easy to do. It doesn’t matter how many parts you have. You know ambient is in lighting, right? Not in the individual parts lol.

Sorry but they’re almost identical, other than some background colours being less distinguishable… which can probably be fixed with something like a ColorCorrection

Now: this is how it looks with the new “same format lighthing” (Which looks NOTHING alike)

Yes, but some games have different weathers. Providing alternatives to using compatibility is great, getting rid of it altogether is yet another terrible decision

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Your replies are literally the best examples of what could make the lighting better with the update

i have a lot of games that use this lighting, its horrible. a notable one is a game that fixes all gears, some gears like the 2014 fireworks are super bright with this fix, i don’t feel like fixing more than 1000 gears with this problem.


is not identical, it affects contrasting colors. why are you defending a feature that’s not helpful? just deletes an old useful feature. i just shown a bit of it. the whole map looks odd. Not only the odd lighthing with the odd Brightness and contrast (Instead of keeping the OG colors) it also affects particles or some mesh. they look weird.

New odd looking. it’s not the real colors of the references i used to make the whole thing, is just plain s7upid.

i always used the right colors of references to make stuff to actually get those things to look RIGHT like the reference, not this. but welp, if you are comformist with roblox updates then that’s by you. but i find it unnecessary that they always have to remove an old feature to add a new “helpful” feature, (is not helpful)


That’s an opininon of one’s of my friend.

I agree with them.


That’s because you’re not using the tonemapper provided lol

Top image is compatibility:

And the bottom image is voxel+tonemapper:

They are literally the same.


The entire point of compatibility was that it was a tweaked version of voxel meant to emulate the old appearance. The reason it was added was so that they could maintain the old look with the same rendering engine as the new ones. All it did was tweak some settings to remove stuff that looks bad in modern games. It uses the same backend as all of the lighting engines! If they remove this they might as well remove voxel and shadowmapped and just make instances for future that poorly emulate those types like they did for compatibility.

Compatibility was the only time roblox made a replacement for a thing that wasnt subpar like every other replacement they have made (AttachmentMovers, R6to15 transition thing, layered clothing, new topbar and chat, etc.)

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