Compatibility Lighting becomes Retro Tone Mapping [Sunset + Migration]

i did press migrate

it still looks off

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You can change the lighting mid-test in studio using the explorer and it only takes a few seconds to re-render the game’s lighting, so it doesn’t seem like it would break if changed

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This is honestly disappointing, there is no point in removing compatibility. Compatibility only disables features from voxel interally, so why remove it?

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Because you can disable the features with another instance mentioned inside of the post… which you clearly haven’t bothered to read at all.

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It’s not even accurate what are you talking about.

Not sure that makes much sense considering it’s literally the same one they used for compatibility.

For bloom, change bloom settings.
For shadows, change ambient. How many times.

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I feel bad for you man. Seen like 50 of your posts telling people about the actual easy migration steps on retro tone mappings. I actually agree, this isn’t even remotely bad update or anything it’s just… easy and smooth. What’s there to complain about? :skull:


Initially, I believed this to be a terrible change that I wanted to opt out of at any chance I could, but after trying the migration out myself, I can confirm that the migration practically changes nothing (aside from some lights)


Very nice results! I appreciate the efforts to preserve Compatibility.


both screenshots have bloom disabled

voxel + retro tonemapping:


i see no notable difference other than the point light being slightly brighter in voxel which is an easy fix

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(sorry for game quality lol)

Also, the only reason your shadows haven’t changed is because your ambient is already at zero.

you shouldn’t need to change your settings for a “simple migration” especially when its as breaking as changing lighting colors entirely

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Well unfortunately roblox couldn’t be bothered to change the settings themselves :man_shrugging: But it’s only 1 or 2 you need to change iirc

still breaks any script controlled lighting things

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why compatibility is exhibiting a light leaking issue? voxel solves this issue, if anything, its a slight improvement. i dont see the problem other than the bloom appearing harsher

Creator of Super Nostalgia Zone here.

This change is fine. I’ll adapt and it’s not as big of a deal as people are making it out to be. I do respect people’s wishes to preserve the retro aesthetic as an artistic measure, but perhaps it’d be more productive to push for more abstraction in Roblox’s rendering to allow for more cartoony/retro aesthetics.

In other words, retro aesthetics shouldn’t be propped up by old technology and compatibility modes. It should be emulated and approximated through a richer modern toolset that provides that kind of flexibility.

Probably sooner than you think. There’s some work being done that suggests Roblox is trying to unify Lighting.Technology in some capacity:

Added Property Lighting.Intent: Enum.Intent [NotScriptable]
Added Property Lighting.Quality: Enum.Quality [NotScriptable]

Added Enum Intent
    Added EnumItem Intent.Realistic : 0
    Added EnumItem Intent.Flat : 1

Added Enum Quality
    Added EnumItem Quality.Performance : 0
    Added EnumItem Quality.Quality : 1

Added EnumItem Technology.Unified : 5 [Preliminary]

I liked Compatibility lighting for performance though :disappointed:


Such as…? Please elaborate further.

any day night script that makes the lighting more yellow (actually i think Middle of Nowhere may use compatibility and 100% has one of those)

There are some issues with “emulating” old technology with newer systems

You can’t get character shadows with GlobalShadows disabled unless you make a script that monitors DescendantAdded and make all parts have CastShadow disabled