[Complete] Simplified Explosion Particle

Edit: AlgyLacey completed this for me.

One complaint I am getting about Ultimate Boxing is severe lag when a player dies, mainly due to how close the explosion is to the screen. I want to add a setting to have a simplified explosion particle, just like I do with water. What I need for the feature, is the actual explosion particle itself.

Deployment: I will be deploying it in Ultimate Boxing, as well as “Project Brickzkrieg”. It may also see use in other projects.
Payment: Up to the creator to determine. I have no clue how easy/hard it is to create something like this. I will just need to approve the price before accepting the particle effect.
Due by: I want to ship this feature by tomorrow night at midnight. Even better would be tonight (~4 hours from posting).

  1. It can use parts, particle emitters, and BillboardGUIs. I will make it work on my own end.
  2. It should be similar in style to the current explosion, like the shock wave. The smoke afterwards is optional.
  3. It should be short, like the speed of the current particle emitter.
  4. Using this bit of code, I shouldn’t see any drop in frames. My system has an i7 4700MQ and AMD RX 560.
local Camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera

local function Explode()
	local Explosion = Instance.new("Explosion")
	Explosion.Position = Vector3.new(0,5,0)
	Explosion.Parent = game.Workspace

Camera.CFrame = CFrame.new(Vector3.new(0,5,-4),Vector3.new(0,5,0))

Private message me if you are interested, or post below.

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