[Concept] Roblox Dashboard UI Revamp

UI Overhaul on Roblox’s Dashboard :fallen_leaf:

Roblox Dashboard Revamp

(and yes that’s a Spotify Integration lol)

Which one Would You Prefer?
This or The Current One?


i want that so bad


I prefer this one for many reasons, The color, The UI, The ‘trending games’ Page, It overall looks amazing, I’d love it as a plugin :smile:

or as a script for Tampermonkey… the color pallete is amazing! (or for stylish: Stylish - Custom themes for any website - Chrome Web Store)

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maby :eyes: very intrigued, might try to lol

I’ve done an attempt at making this a custom plugin but it’s harder than I thought gave up eventually :sweat_smile:
might give it a try after getting someone onboard :>

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It might be possible to design it as a separate website.