Condition 1 - progress

I’m making a first-person story game. The snow meshes aren’t mine but everything else are done by me. Here is progress:


Looks cool, i see good detail on the building

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Seeing things like this always puts into perspective for me how far Roblox has come. Overall, really nice atmosphere you got going on! I especially like how the lighting works with the build, it genuinely feels cold just from the images.

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Beautiful, I see you are using the “Future” lighting technology, thats a very good choice but remember to always optimize your game the future lighting can be very laggy for some users thats why you really should use meshes when having to make complicated builds, dont put too much lights(PointLights, Spotlights, SurfaceLights…) in the same place.
and also think that: less parts used = less lags.

sorry if you already knew that I just proposed some advices
and your game is looking great, I love the style of the builds and the nice lighting ambiance!
if the game came out I would play it for sure!

(I forgot to tell about one last thing if your game had players playing it there may be people that are not playing on a powerful device so they will go to roblox’s settings and set the graphics to a low level and if they do this the lighting technology will automatically change to shadow map so you should test playing your game with the lowest graphics to see if the lighting is too bright or not)

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The picture with the computer, the lighting needs to be changed, using lighting zones, where your lighting changes to match the environment you are in, for like going in interiors, like many games use.

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  1. You could use a open source cloth simulator, it looks like its floating, which irritates me. It looks like theirs an invisible surface making the sheets float, same could be said for the other bed.

  2. The spawn point isn’t invisible, also their should be a scripted in, lighting zone, where the lighting changes when inside a building, the lighting needs to fit the situation and/or environment.

  3. There should be more lights, or give the current lights more range, so it doesn’t create a mess of cast shadows, also the floor looks reflective which is nice.

That’s all I can see off the interior photo.

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This is really good , I never seen graphics like these on roblox

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WHERE CAN I PLAY THIS. i have followed you and now i only anticipate the game thanks for giving something so astonishing to my eyes

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The game’s locked for now, but it should be finished soon

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