Confederacy of Independent Systems: Rules
Do not troll. Trolling is prohibited under any circumstances.
Do not use exploits or other illegal software.
Do not abuse your power. Abuse of rank-specific permissions will lead to a demotion or permanent ban.
Do not harm or kill unarmed visitors and immigrants if not ordered to. Doing so without any appropiate reason will result in a demotion.
Respect all players, regardless of rank and division.
Always follow the orders of higher-ranked members. Disobeying orders will result in punishment.
Do not impersonate members of our administration team. Doing so will also result in you being banned.
Do not scam. Everyone caught scamming other players will be permanently banned from the game and group.
And most importantly, abide by the Roblox TOS at all times!
The rules are subject to change. Last edited: March 19, 2020