Configure group catalog items link not working

When I go and try to see all group items that are on sale or not it redirects me to the roblox catalog :confused:

I click on that, though then I noticed after copy/pasting the link it has a %20 [space] after the CreatorId. ?CreatorID=[id]%20

I tried to remove the space and go to the link but it still redirects me to the catalog.

Group: OProjects - Roblox


I noticed the link goes to:

`Catalog - Roblox

though figured out that this link works

`Catalog - Roblox

I went to “See more items for sale by this group” and edited the url to set NotForSale to true


Yes I also encounter this problem, currently the only way I found out is to do this:

  1. Hit “See more items on sale by this group”
  2. Locate this line at the end of the URL “&SortType=3&IncludeNotForSale=false&Direction=2”
  3. Change “IncludeNotForSale=false” to “IncludeNotForSale=true”

This should fix this issue for now.

Thanks for the report, this has been fixed.