Configure this Place link is broken

Reproduction Steps

1. Open Adopt Me! - Roblox website with developer access.
2. Click the three dots “…”
3. Click Configure This Place
4. See HTTP 400 Error - Bad Request

Expected Behavior

We should be able to open the Configure this Place page.

Actual Behavior

HTTP 400 Error - Bad Request. Can’t view configure place page.


We can use the Roblox Studio Game Settings page to set some of our options, such as icon and thumbnail, but not all options. Also, some tabs there, such as Monetization and Permissions are also not loading, potentially due to the same issue as Configure Place.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: Adopt Me! - Roblox
Impact: High
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-08-17 00:08:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2022-08-22 00:08:00 (-05:00)
A private message is associated with this bug report


To note, DevProducts can now only be edited on the configure experience page (not the configure place page), while this bug definitely is still a bug, at least in your case, you should be able to somewhat work around it.

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Ok, that’s interesting. Same for my games.

Thanks for the report! We’re looking into this.


Appreciate y’all taking a look! Just wanted to follow up to see if there were any updates on this. It’s unfortunately still broken for us. Thanks!

Hi. Can you share a screenshot of the broken page. Does it show any call stack other than “HTTP 400 Error - Bad Request. Can’t view configure place page.”? Thanks

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Can do! This is what it looks like


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Thanks for the info. We are looking into this.


Hi. We released a fix to this issue! You should be able to access Configure this Place now but might see “Unable to load private servers” error message where private server statistics would normally show. We are working on a long term solution there. Let me know if 400 Bad Request is still blocking your entire page. Thanks for your patience!


Hey @NewFissy , is this resolved per the post above?

Yes! Thank you @GeneralTso58 for fixing the issue :grinning: