Confirm delete prompt for wall posts

As a group owner on Roblox it’s currently way too easy to accidentally delete posts on group walls you manage, with no way to undo the deletion.

A simple confirm prompt would entirely solve this issue.

To solve the issue of this slowing down spam deletion, an option in the confirmation box that enables something like a 5-minute no-confirm period could be included. Similar to how entering your PIN gives you a period before you need to enter it again to make account changes.

I apparently have really heavy hands and accidentally click all the time and this has resulted in a fair number of accidental post deletions that then required further apologies on the wall.
Another case where this happens to me is when deleting posts, occasionally the page refresh lags and takes an awkward amount of time to reload, making me believe I missed the button or my mouse didn’t click properly or something, and when I click again the page coincidentally reloads at that very moment and I nuke the post below.

I’m not an idiot, I swear, but this happens way too often.


I don’t think this is a good idea. It would significantly slow down removing spam comments of someone who has left the group.


That’s solvable by including an option in the confirmation box that enables something like a 5-minute no-confirm period. Similar to how entering your PIN gives you a period before you need to enter it again to make account changes.

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No need for this. Group wall post are not really that important and are more like a scaled down version of a chat.

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With the removal of the forums and the reinforcement of no Discord links, I disagree.

There is no reason to outright reject an arguably fundamental feature such as this on the terms that group wall posts are “not really that important”. Maybe they’re not important to you, but they’re certainly important to other people.


Accidentally deleting something on the group wall is not the end of the world tho :expressionless: I see low importance of a feature like this.


Whether or not it’s has priority is irrelevant. It’s a feature that should be considered.

Roblox has to many spam troll kids to justify this


Or it could have something like Discord’s method of holding Shift to bypass the confirmation


If you delete a post, just find it in the audit logs and re-post it.

I don’t often have situations where I accidentally delete a post, but if it warrants the need for a confirmation delete, maybe ROBLOX could have it enabled by default, then hold down a key like Shift while deleting to bypass the confirmation, kinda like how it works on Discord.

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OP is referring to others’ posts too, not just his own.

Oh, I didn’t see your post.

I think it would be best to have Shift+Click to skip the delete prompt.

Much like Discord.


Audit logs display all deleted posts.

No, I mean, the OP will be able to repost what was deleted, but if another person’s post was deleted, that’s a different thing.

Yeah I have to disagree with this, I’d rather see Roblox release other features which would be a lot more beneficial, such as the group overhaul.

If this was an update, it’d be one of those annoying things you wish you could disable, I know I would.

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I would say that going into the audit logs and having an undo button would be really good, so if some guy admin abuses and deletes all messages at least they are recoverable

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