Hello! Before you read, please note that this post is NOT to discuss being unbanned. I am simply asking for help in determining any possible solutions to prevent this from happening in the future!
For context, today I uploaded an image related to a public resource I have worked on that I planned to release today. Unfortunately, I was banned after I uploaded two images related to my resource’s brand.
I am fairly disappointed with this ban and I would like to avoid this issue in the future. If anything, how can I avoid getting banned for something that abides by the TOS?
I am in no way familiar with how the moderation system works on the platform, hence being the reason I posted this. All help is appreciated!
I think a misunderstanding happened on the moderator’s side - the way you present your brand looks like the brand is a 3rd party chatting application hosted offsite, but its main target audience is the Roblox playerbase, hence the ban (my guess). You’d probably have more luck presenting your brand as the “#1 Chat System on Roblox”, or something related to being on Roblox rather than off-site. That way the moderators would have more clue of what you’re uploading.
I previously never considered this idea, but I completely get where you’re coming from. I think my poor choice of wording could be changed to better fit into the TOS and prevent confusion.
Glad I could help! Alternatively, if it gets moderated too, you could probably write a nice letter to Roblox support explaining what you were uploading and why it was falsely moderated.
I am once again banned! What could I have done to get banned you may ask?
Apparently, uploading assets that direct you to the Roblox Marketplace are considered offsite. This is beyond upsetting.
My last appeal was denied and blatantly ignored. This ban is once again unreasonable and likely to be ignored as well. My brand is simply unwanted on Roblox even after I adjusted it to avoid this issue again.
Really sorry for that
I honestly couldn’t agree more, roblox moderation is terrible. You should (maybe) consider sending one more ban appeal if the previous one doesn’t get a response in a day or two, but the fact that your brand is being moderated even though there’s no off site links is really just upsetting, and shows a lot about the moderation system. Unfortunately we can’t do anything, and complaining isn’t really welcome on the forum, so best hope you have is to either rebrand everything, or keep trying to get in touch with someone on the Roblox moderation side.