Confused Regarding UGC Upload Being Denied

Hey everyone, I am new to the forum so I hope i post this in the right place. But I recently tried to upload my own shoulder plushie to Roblox! However, I got denied because of “Intellectual Property Violation” and I don’t know what part of that topic applies to this item. An image of the plushie is linked above.

I have tried emailed Roblox to ask for an explanation, so I waited a week and a half and just got the same message “your item was denied blah blah blah” with no explanation.

Can anyone let me know what parts of this are breaking the TOS?

Maybe it’s because it uses copyrighted items, either UGC that was stolen and reuploaded without permission and now is being flagged, or items by ROBLOX that you are not allowed to use.
If you want to make a shoulder pal, make the items for the pal yourself so that it doesn’t get flagged.