Confused with ball sockets and charactar controller

I am trying to create a custom ball character where the player is welded to a massless and collision less inner part that is connected with a ball socket to an outer sphere with collisions. When trying to make the inner part/charactar model stand up straight with a damped alignorientation, it also orients the outer ball, making it no longer roll. Becuase I am directly changing the velocity in a local script, it moves normalIy but does not spin.

Also, when the ball’s velocity changes, the inner one moves with it, with the alignorientation off. I am confused becuase I want the inner to be independent and have the player jostling around while the visible ball spins.

Hopefully this is the right category and any help is appreciated!

It turns out that this is because the welded player has mass. Is there any way to turn off the mass of a model, or would i have to loop through all the parts and turn them off.