Confusing bug with "FindFirstChild"!

Hey there! I’m making a PVP Game, but it has seem that i have ran into a bug.
Heres the code:

local plr = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent or script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local cost = script.Parent.Configuration.Cost

local name = script.Parent.Parent.AbilityName
local ps = plr:FindFirstChild("PrivateStats")

	local namee = script.Parent.Configuration.naame
	namee.Value = name.Text
	if ps:FindFirstChild(namee.Value).Value == true then -- BUG
		print("already bought")
		if plr.leaderstats.Souls.Value >= cost.Value then
			plr.leaderstats.Souls.Value -= cost.Value
			plr:FindFirstChild("PrivateStats"):FindFirstChild(name.Text).Value = true

What it’s suppose to do
It’s suppose to get the stringvalue’s value to find it on the player’s list. It’s not working though.


Thanks for reading.

the problem is you aren’t getting the player properly so ps would be nil

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local PrivateStats = Player:WaitForChild("PrivateStats")

This isn’t a local script, though?

it should be a localscript
i can see you’re using buttons

If its a localscript, then it would break the entire system and it’s not trying to be complicated.

I have fixed it with remote events

i was just about to say this:

because you probably aren’t using RemoteEvents

you should have a RemoteEvent that lets you buy stuff
you could even save what the player bought and it doesn’t have to be complicated

-- LocalScript to buy an item
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ShopEvent = RS.ShopEvent -- RemoteEvent in ReplicatedStorage
  ShopEvent:FireServer(--[[Send the item name]])
-- ServerScript to check if players can buy items
local RS = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local ShopEvent = RS.ShopEvent

ShopEvent.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, TargetItem)
  -- Check if player has enough souls to buy TargetItem and update their PrivateStats and Shop

I already used remotes! But thanks for trying to help. (edit: Yes, it does save.)

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