Hi, Basically as far as I knew for a long time , if any content is moderated on a group the holder account would get the strike and punishment for it regardless,
Like for example;
A = Owner of the Group B, C , D are Devs who have access to editing games on the group
C makes an innapropriate content by mistake, and it would end up with A receiving the Moderation Action (who is the group holder)
Now, I work on many Groups as a Developer with other people, and few of our games got Moderated and I was the one who received the Strike.
How does this work? Is it random? or the System checks for who uploaded the Innapropriate content because none of us really remember the details on who uploaded it.
Shouldn’t the Holder account have been hold responsible? What do you guys think about this
To add, I’ve witnessed more than a few times where another dev uploaded something innapropriate, and a totally different dev inside the same group got moderated for it, while other devs and the holder account was safe so it kinda makes me think maybe the system is still flawed about it.
Should I try to appeal my moderation? Is this a mistake or a correct moderation
It’s tough to say. This is the reason you need to have good knowledge about the people you’re working with.
You could try appealing, but make sure you have details about the entire situation. Just saying “I didn’t know they were bad so I’m not responsible” won’t cut it. You need proof.
Look at it this way:
Roblox has your development group that they deem (correctly or incorrectly, doesn’t matter) is creating inappropriate content in one of their games. If it’s found on their site they will still be held responsible because they allowed the group’s content there. Roblox doesn’t want a lawsuit based on something like this so they’re taking the hard line and shutting down everyone who was involved.