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Making sliding door without code.

I fear something about Roblox’s Physics. I’ve been able to crash my own client and other people’s client, with Roblox Animation and glitches and Physics. My only problem is to report this issue to Roblox, I need like “something”, but now idk anymore.

The other thing was that some physics were invisible, unless you touch them with your player character.


Tutorials for placing a part is definitely not the aim of the program :smiley:


In the meantime, you can message @Bug-Support. Follow the standard bug reporting guidelines.

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Crash reports go through the same process, but it’s hard to get a good crash log for this issue. Last time I tried to report a crash log, I had to get some dump. But I never managed to get that dump I think, the game crashed before I could get a dump file through Task Manager, but that’s the instructions I was given. :person_shrugging: