Consistent frame drops at the beginning of the server

Ever since the last roblox client update a few days ago, every time one of the servers in my game is started, there are consistent frame drops that keep spiking up and down for the first 15-20 seconds of the rendering.

My FPS sometimes spikes to lower values than what is seen below, sometimes getting to numbers of 10-15.

Here’s what appears in the micro profiler when these spikes happen

I have uploaded a YouTube clip that shows the spikes that keep on re-occuring

This has been happening to all my players ever since the start of this morning, May 13th 2024

CPU - Intel(R) Core™ i9-14900KF
Memory - 32 GB
GPU - NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4080, 16 GB

I don’t know specifically how to replicate this, I have two different game places for my game; being the “main” place and a “test” place. I haven’t updated the main place in over 2 months, I have been updating the test place a lot though, and suddenly, this issue is happening all the time to both places.

It seems as if the terrain keeps on being “reloaded” and the shadows keep messing up for the first minute or so when the player is in the game.

All my maps use streaming enabled, with these properties (have not been changed in the past months):

Expected behavior

These spikes haven’t been happening for the past 5 months throughout all the testing phase, yet suddenly it’s happening now so I would expect them not to happen.


Can you provide a microprofiler dump?

Is this helpful?

microprofile-20240513-171556.html (6.7 MB)

I also have a 14 MB dump of 32 frames which I’ve attached in a google drive link

Hi @JleaY,

I turned off a feature that might’ve caused this regression.

If this is a public place can you please share the place ID?

In case it’s not, is it possible for you to DM me a place file that reproduces the issues? This can be a minimal place file that contains just the parts and logic required to reproduce what you’re seeing.


Hey there! Thanks for that, my players aren’t encountering the FPS drops anymore.

The game is not currently public, but plans to go public in a few days.

Here is the main game ID: 4658598196
Here is the test game ID: 5310627045

Is it possible for you to do this:

… DM me a place file that reproduces the issues? This can be a minimal place file that contains just the parts and logic required to reproduce what you’re seeing.

We’d like to enable this feature again and it would be extremely helpful to understand why it was causing a performance regression for your experience.


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Hello @LittleGreenBrick,

I am bumping this again because ever since the FPS update, my players are complaining about getting low frames which makes the game unplayable. Could you please look into this and see if the terrain update is enabled on my places again?

It’s been two weeks since releases and this issue has been present for only a few days now.

Many thanks


Ever since the new FPS toggle update pushed on may 29th, our game has been running even more like garbage…


Bumping for some resolution soon.

I’ve been having this same issue as of late, suspected that it might have been due to the new FPS Cap update that released few days ago.

General information about my side;
My laptop is slightly below average, but previous to this update, I could run baseplate for example and have roughly above 60 fps with any fps unlocker for roblox.
I could also run most games decently at lower graphics.

However, once the update came out, my first two launches of the client ran fine. No fps drops.

Though, that didn’t last, as for the next launches my FPS instantly started dropping or fluctuating around some pseudo-fps cap? Even though I’ve put the cap to 120 fps, it kept saying ~21-34 fps to ~41-60 fps rarely. And this is on an empty baseplate.
I noticed that this DOES NOT happen whenever I left roblox in background, getting to a stable 60+ fps.

I really hope something comes out of this.


Bro, I was getting like 300 FPS with max graphics on baseplate, now it’s at 120. Oh my god. What do we do? No one wants to break windows with Revi OS or any other crap.


yeah since the fps cap update i’ve been running a constant 10-30 fps on any game, and i normally run 50-60 fps.