Consistent server crashing!

So my problem is, my servers with 85 players constantly crash, and people are losing items because of it. Now the theory to this is when shootouts occur, the server crashes, but for me it happened right after a big shootout. I thought it was my tracers causing the problems, but maybe it might be my bullet holes that pop up everytime somebody hits a target. These bullets dont stay forever as they automatically remove themselves from the game with debris, but I am not sure why after shootouts with police and criminals, the server data goes up to like 6k then everyone loses connection and crashes getting this message:

What is the timing of this? I suggest making it so the bullet removes right after a target is hit because if you have it set to let’s say a second and 20 players are shooting projectiles that are there for 1second it could cause crashes

Alternative you can log errors with a webhook and see if that helps, you can find multiple tutorials for that in #resources

I’m not sure if webhooks work anymore in roblox servers but they still work in roblox studio

I am pretty sure I saw a analytic thing by Roblox that could also work.

Here it is: