Console - An alternative for the default Roblox Console

Console is a friendly alternative to the default F9 console.

This simple model can only execute scripts on the server; it also has an error logger for the whole server side of the output.


  • Clean UI,

  • User friendly interface.

Link to the loader:

Link to the model it inserts:

Any feedback or bug report is welcome

Can I have some pictures?
I like to see things before I get them!

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Here you go

Can we change the font?
Me personally dont like the font lol

You can always make your own version of the console by taking the model that is being inserted and modifying the screen GUI inside. After that, you publish it on Roblox (make sure to distribute it to the marketplace). After that, copy the ID and modify the loader.

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And if yes, what’s your idea? To change it to

I have decided to change the font like you requested to Gotham SSm

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