What do you want to achieve? Pressing the console button to focus GUI
What is the issue? My game has always active menu GUI. In the image, right down one is it. When ButtonSelect is pressed, it focuses on that GUI. But I don’t know how to do it exactly.
What solutions have you thought of so far? ProximityPrompt is gray when adding from “+ thing” at the right of GUI.
You’ll have to script console input for this, by using ContextActionService.
local keyCode = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX --This is the button that focuses on the menu
--Change this variable to another button if you'd like
local contextActionService = game:GetService("ContextActionService")
contextActionService:BindAction("FocusMenu", function(actionName, inputState)
if inputState == Enum.UserInputState.Begin then
--Add code to focus on the menu here
end, false, keyCode)
This must be a LocalScript, preferably in the menu UI.
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I didn’t know there was a way to focus within code, but now I found it!
Still I don’t have one, but I know where most of console buttons are.