Console Chat Covers Important UI Elements

With the new Console Chat that is being rolled out in A/B, it has resulted in our game UI being unusable. The problem is that the chat completely covers important UI elements and is, to my knowledge, untoggleable. I have zero way to reproduce this myself, or test this in studio, as it’s in A/B testing. The user reporting this to me plays with keyboard & mouse on their console.

Player reports have shown that it covers an important button, making it impossible for them to play my game.

I’m unsure how I could even fix this myself, as I can’t test the issue. The Studio emulator does not give me access to the chat.

Game Link: [💖 VALENTINES] Oaklands 🌲 - Roblox

Expected behavior

The chat should be able to be hidden in some way, in order to access important gameplay UI elements.

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Thanks to help from a lab rat member in my community, I was able to come up with a temporary hacky solution that specifically solves the issue with this UI element. Thankfully we don’t show the chat in our main menu as of recently, which would have made it impossible to load save data.

local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")
local TextChatService = game:GetService("TextChatService")
	while task.wait(1) do
		local OnConsole = GuiService:IsTenFootInterface()
		local Scale = if OnConsole then 0.75 else 1
		TextChatService.ChatWindowConfiguration.HeightScale = Scale

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This applies to TextChatService in general. Currently, there is no way to layer UI elements over the chat

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The thing that makes this different is that the console chat is, to my understanding, 2x bigger than normal chat. None of our UI was ever made with this in mind, making it very problematic in most cases, especially when there’s no button to minimize it.

This is something that Roblox does mention to account for in their documentation of console development guidelines. It is slightly out-of-date (specifically that it says there is no chat despite it being added), but it does mention that it does scale up the UI

Roblox does apply this to existing Roblox UI elements like the backpack and the newly added chat

I do wish Roblox allowed for easier customization of the default TextChatService; especially in the size and position that isn’t just a range between 0.5 - 2

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You can do this in two ways:

  1. Have chat toggleable for keyboard by pressing a keybind, like ‘Z’.
  2. Have a custom chat window. If your experience has Console Chat enabled, then you should be completely fine to implement a custom window for users to use it (not an override for it with your own entire chat system, of course).