Console is full of warnings that I dont know what causes them

This is how it looks like:

Almost everything in there is not printed by any of my scripts.
Clicking on any error message which opens the script and then on “Show in Explorer” does not highlight anything in the Explorer, it just selects the script so i guess that it is something that I should not see?

How can I hide these texts? They are a little annoying while trying to read useful information from the console.


Those are probably studio’s core gui related problems, in this case you can hide those by messing around with the “All messages” and the “All contents” button on the top left corner of the output

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What causes them to be there tho? If I create a new project, they aren’t in the console there.

i think it has to do with some plugins causing the issue

I remember activating some Beta Features that made some of this warnings appear, when i disabled them it never appeared.
But it dosen’t do nothing with the Gameplay, it just show warnings like Deprecated.

Delete any unrecognisable scripts/plugins etc.

Not 100% Sure What It Is But I Get these Errors and I Usually Ignore Them, It Says its Something to do with Core Packages.

I did not import anything from Toolbox, I made all scripts in this project myself.

i just found out the root cause, its because u turned on roblox voice chat in settings

Thanks! Most of it seems to be gone now, but this still remains there:

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its a thing that roblox engineers are patching soon.
read more on it here Slice Center warning in output - Help and Feedback / Scripting Support - DevForum | Roblox