Console Menu Navigation Doesn't Work After Canceling A Purchase Prompt

Client Version: 1.602.625.0
Platform: Xbox/Playstation
Frequency: Always

Description: After a purchase prompt is shown canceling the prompt makes it so game menu navigation cant be enabled by pressing the touchpad/view button.

Reproduction Steps: Enter any game with purchasable items/passes and try to enable game menu navigation after canceling purchase prompt.

Expected Result: Be able to enable and use game menu navigation as normal.

Actual Result: Unable to use game menu navigation .

Workaround: Open the Roblox menu and close to be able to use game menu navigation.


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Thanks for the report, We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.

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Hi Fad3dBlack,

I’ve reproduced this issue and turned on the fix in production. Please follow your reproduction steps and ensure the issue no longer exists, thank you!


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After testing it out again the issue has been fixed.

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