Console players having unfair advantage on .Touched event compared to PC/Mobile players

Hello, I have been having issues with my football game in which console users generally have an advantage over PC and mobile players for an unknown reason where they are more likely to hit the ball compared to PC/mobile users and usually can touch the ball further away than other players.

I have attached a video below of a console user VS PC user (Console user is in white)

External Media

I have tried looking into the console shift lock script for my game, but I haven’t noticed anything. If anyone can help with this, that will be fantastic.

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It might not be a platform issue but a latency issue. I’m not sure how the kicking in your game is handled but it might give people with lower ping an advantage.

Assuming the .Touched happens on the client, and that you send a remoteEvent to the server, verify that the user is close enough to the ball when it happens

otherwise ive got no idea

.Touched event happens on the server through Network Ownership.

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People with lower ping have an advantage as latency is key in this game as the person who touches the ball gets to decide where the ball moves. The thing with console players is that I have had several players complain about it being practically imposible to win the ball VS a console player if they are a PC player.

Combining the system with a .Magnitude check would be a better solution, check if the player is eligible to hit the ball, and if that doesn’t work, you can initiate a queue system. Or directly nerf console players or remove console play/make special servers for the console.