Constant error code 277 when no internet connection issues

Whenever I try joining my game it crashes with error code 277 when my connection is perfectly fine and I can join other games, the game I’m joining is fairly large but I have streaming enabled to reduce lag, what am I doing wrong?
Note: entire servers crash, not just me and all users get displayed that error

Edit: This has nothing to do with the current server issues, I get this error anyway

according to
277 Lost connection to the game server, please reconnect (Error Code: 277)

Please check your internet connection and try again. (Error Code: 277) May occur due to these issues: User’s IP address changed, user turned off WiFi, user experienced additional general internet issues

This isn’t an issue that my roblox client experiences, the entire server shuts down and displays that error.

then it can be some script having memory leaks or just Roblox being Roblox

So it results that the server loses connection to Roblox…?

Pretty much yeah its really annoying because players cant play the game, you know any way to fix it?

Not sure if it’s caused by the recent outage. Give it 1-2 hours. If it persists, try looking for any memory-leaks of some sort.

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I had the issue prior to the outage but I guess I’ll wait until it’s over and see if it continues

Saber Showdown:

This might return.

yup roblox is down again

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Can agree

Now I know what I can go back to:

The servers are down yet again. Not even 3 hours after the first one.

Mine has been down just about all morning. It worked for like maybe 10 minutes which allowed me to play some Shrek In The Backrooms, but then I got disconnected. Even Studio is down right now, which really sucks, as my new game is almost finished.

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Nevermind, then.


I can access the webpage.

Since Roblox isn’t down (atleast for now)
Maybe try joining your game again and seeing if you still get the error code

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