Constant Game Exploiting - Players being deleted from Workspace, any fix?

I’m currently facing a major issue within my game which I’ve already reported to developer relations but I was wondering if there were any (even short-term) fixes for this issue.

My game is currently unplayable at certain times of day due to mass-exploiting by certain individuals. It’s almost impossible to find them due to the nature of the exploit though they have began messaging me abuse on discord (though this doesn’t have much to do with this post).

When joining the game, players are just deleted from the workspace and the server eventually shuts itself down.

Is there anyway for this to prevented?

Ensure there aren’t any backdoors. Make sure you look through your plugins and ensure they are from trusted developers. Also make sure none of your remotes allow for code execution.

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Check your remotes, You might have scripts like these:

replicatedstorage.RemoveHorse:Connect(function(sender, horse)

The script removes the horse but the client can send anything they want, even a player.

First of all I checked you remotes, you need to put a limit on how many times airplanes can be spawned because an exploiter can spam spawn airplanes and crash the server, secondly you have a bunch of scripts inside some parts of your game and the admin you are using so check those for malicious code and if you dont need them delete them also to check them ctrl+a, ctrl+c then go to this website to remove all whitespaces or you can just look up whitespace remover and check the code after all it’s whitespaces have been removed for stuff like this.

if game:GetService('RunService'):IsStudio() then
     require(asset id) 
     -- If the asset id is open source and you open it and it is obfuscated it is probably a serverside or 
     -- backdoor
     -- If your admin says it needs loadstring enabled or 
     -- httpservice enabled you definitely need to check it.
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