In almost every case where I attempt to join a specific game that I enjoy playing and supervising, I am randomly disconnected out of nowhere during the game’s coded loading screen. Despite this, the loading screen is visibly working in the blurred background of the disconnect message, with the loading text changing, the images loading in, and the playing of music. This is very peculiar and sometimes makes me wonder if I truly was disconnected. This also makes it unlikely that it is a problem with my internet connection, as one is required for the described changes to happen.
After I get disconnected during the first attempt to join the game, I am usually able to attempt to join the game a second time and can join and load in properly. Shortly before this post, however, I had encountered this issue for two join attempts.
In addition, after attempting to rejoin after having been randomly disconnected, Roblox sends a false message claiming that I had launched Roblox on another device.
Expected Outcome
I should be able to join the game without being randomly disconnected as long as my internet functions.
I should not be falsely restricted from joining a game because of Roblox supposedly being launched on another device.
A different disconnect message is shown now that a timeout has been specified.
Still not believing in this disconnect if I can attempt to join the game again and join just fine.
What is very odd is that this is error code 267 (generally associated with :Kick), but it has a reconnect button? Are you sure the game isn’t genuinely kicking you (maybe because a buffer couldn’t be allocated or something like that)? It still wouldn’t explain why the reconnect button exists, but it would explain the code being a generally developer-activated one. If it isn’t experience activated, then this is even more odd; since I was under the assumption that error codes wouldn’t overlap…
…yup, that’s what it is… so cause 1 is lack of the timeout for the request stream async and cause 2 is the script kicking. I’ll see if having the timeout and no kick lets me in fine.
There are several different disconnect reasons here; I’ll address them one-by-one:
Error 267: Developer kick. You were kicked by the experience developer – this is not a disconnection that Roblox initiated, but actually the developer calling the Player:Kick function. You should contact the game developer for any issues with error 267 disconnections.
Error 277: Connection lost. This is a network connection problem somewhere between you and the Roblox game server - your internet connection, our internet connection, or somewhere in between. In rare cases, this can also indicate that the game server has crashed.
Error 264: Duplicate player. When you lose connection to an experience, sometimes the game server hasn’t yet realized that your player is no longer connected. If you try to connect again, then there are two “copies” of your player in the experience. To prevent one player from being in the game twice, we disallow the second connection. Typically this can be resolved by waiting a few seconds (for the other connection to be recognized as invalid/already disconnected) and trying to connect again.
Can you provide more detail on what is happening when you receive the error 277 disconnections?
The 267 kick is confirmed and I have removed that from the game.
The 277 kick causes the 264 kick when I attempt to rejoin. When I get the error 277 disconnect, I’m in the middle of trying to load into the specified game, which has a custom loading screen. My connection seems to be working fine despite the disconnect, as indicated by the UI elements successfully loading in in the background of the error message (which is quite ironic). I don’t think the server died as there are some cases where I try to join a specific server and it’s still there for me to rejoin.
277 indicates that the player is disconnected from the game server, however, the loading of the media elements (sound, video etc) may still continue on the player until you close the player or reconnect. The connection of player to game server is more sensitive to network issues than loading of media. I suspect, you have some issues with network connectivity for a brief time (around 20 sec) and then it fixes itself. This would cause you to lose connectivity with game server.