Constantly getting "HTTP 401: api key not valid for operation"

  1. What do you want to achieve? I want to publish my game with rbxcloud, which uses the Roblox Open Cloud.

  2. What is the issue? I am constantly getting HTTP error 401, even after repeatedly changing the API key and making sure it’s different from the last.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve tried looking for this, but nobody seems to be having the same issue. My Accepted IP Addresses include and my actual IP address of my current computer.

The command
rbxcloud experience publish -f gamefile.rbxl -p 10942495396 -u 3945887961 -t published --api-key REMOVED

Is it your internet or intranet IP address? You need your internet IP address.

idk if you found your answer, but this was the only post I could found about that and I made a few things that helped me with this problem:

  • In the API key configurations, set besides the local IP (, write your internet IP address as well. You can find it with the command ipconfig /all in your cmd, it will be the IPv4 address.
  • Since I already had a key generated after adding my IP address, I regenerated the key just in case.
  • I read that flushing your DNS might help, so I did it too (I’m not that sure that if this was essential, but I’ll write it here as well). In the cmd type ipconfig/flushdns.
  • I guess that we saw the same video and there the author wrote the api key on a text file to reference it in the command line. I wrote the key directly in the command line and it worked!

Maybe the way to reference the file changed with newer versions of VSCode or rbxcloud? I’m not sure. In the video, the rbxcloud was in version 0.1.0-alpha.10 and now I have 0.5.0. I still have to figure it out how to reference the file, but hey, at least it worked.

Do you mean intranet? ipconfig /all does not return any public IP.

To OP: I would also suggest making sure in your firewall settings that rbxcloud is allowed.