Constraint Chassis

Thank you ItsJustFahed. That’s really cool!

And Thank you Terrodactyl for your collection of chassis’, too.

Would it be a ridiculous idea to ask either or both of you to consider adding a ‘reset’ vehicle click detector button (rather than a loop that listens for a rotational value or the like to see if the vehicle has flipped over and stuck…). Placing the button on the bottom would keep it hidden from sight until that delightful moment when the fun stops and the vehicle is stuck upside down like a turtle with it’s legs in the air. One click and pop! the car could flip back into it’s upright position and the fun can resume!

Either way - it’s still an incredible gift you both have shared with the community. Thank you!

You mean one that doesn’t work when you’re driving on walls?

Maybe! :stuck_out_tongue:

Message me if you’d like to buy my chassis system, or have it for free I dunno.

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Exactly - crazy how it doesn’t work right when I drive it like a maniac!

But I regret posting my message asking for additional features on a system that was already provided for free. I will set myself to the task of crafting such a flip button. That would have been the correct thing to do and then return and post my work.

Also - for anyone who does go to Terrodactyl’s place to test the chassis’ - be sure to look for the ‘regen BEST car’ - you won’t be disappointed. Very fun.


I would recommend to put comments in the code so that people will understand it and then be able to modify properly. It took me a long while to figure out what was giving the inputs for forward and back.

I haven’t gotten to this but is the torque and max speed settings able to be modified while running the script? EDIT: I noticed that you said it can be edited in real time.

I would love to see a ray cast version of this also!

I worked on a ray cast system before I even started on the constraints chassis.It is pretty much done but it is very complex even with little configurations and also has issues running on lower end devices. I will post a clip on showcasing it tomorrow.


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That impressive and its pretty smooth. i wish i knew how to make raycast chassis tho. but so far this current chassis i have been abe to do very good things to it like do engine sound from all 4 wheels not in rpm idk how to do engine rpm from all 4 wheels from radians.

Today i managed to fix a problem where when you were on mobile you can have the original Thumbstick and if you drag stick past the outer ring it would speed up the vehicle much faster.

To fix this you do math.clamp(where_the_player_input_is,-1,1)

Inside local script
Hope this has been helpful so you have full support for mobile.

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That thumbstick was a bit annoying to use thats why I recommended people to use the new dynamic thumbstick in the OP. The dynamic thumbstick was popular at that time so i did not bother to test with with the old one

yeah i actually though the classic thumbstick was actually more easy to use for driving because it was more fixed and not moving around when you get out of bounce of the area

I am not sure if you on purpose left it as copylocked but I would like to edit it so it would be appreciated if you uncopylocked it.

It’s copylocked on purpose. If you would like the file just send me a message on here and we can work something out.

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Why does this chassis have severe understeer at most times and then it steers normally?

How would I go about making a Parking Brake?

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I think changing the motors to a high torque value and don’t allow any velocity input could suffice but I need to try that also because I need a hand brake also

Nice. Is this supported on console?

It should since I am just using default humanoid controller for the inputs.

How do I make a car using your constraint chassis not slow down when driving up something steep?

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Increase power and torque in the values

Are you offering this chassis for free? If so, I would love a copy! :hugs:

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DM @anon66957764 to get it. He sent it to me.

Warning: this chassis is quite a fair bit more difficult to set up :wink:

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