Constraints becoming unstable under weight

Im trying to make a retractable, steerable landing gear, but the constraints I use become unstable under weight.

The purple cylinder is a hinge constraint used to bring the gear down, and attached to the gear is a green disk. Inside of this green disk is another hinge constraint, which rotates the green disk. This green disk is attached to the wheel through a yellow cylindrical constraint, which is how the wheel is steered. The cylindrical constraint also allows the wheel to roll, and helps keep it in place (sometimes)

(I had to make the green disk because using more than one constraint on the wheel would lock it, and not allow it to roll or turn)

The landing gear is lowered and retracted just fine, but when too much weight is placed on the wheel it snaps out of place.

The wheel glitches out and snaps outside of it’s constraint, which makes anything attached to it constantly bounce around.

I’ve seen other people having issues similar to this, and have tried everything they’ve said solved their problems but I’ve only succeeded in slightly reducing the bouncing. The only thing that somewhat worked was using the cylindrical constraint’s torque to keep the wheel still, and it does slightly improve. The problem is that under enough weight the wheel still moves, and if I give the cylindrical constraint too much torque it’ll send the entire assembly flying into the void.

I’ve tried using springs to help the assembly deal with the weight, I’ve tried changing the wheel’s friction and density, I’ve tried using different constraints, changing the size of every part in the landing gear, looked at every post in the devforum which talked about issues with constraints, but nothing has resolved the issue.

If anyone knows how I could fix this, or a better way I could achieve this, I’d greatly appreciate the help.

Fixed it, if anyone else runs into this issue I suggest using motor6ds instead of hinge constraints, they’re a lot more stable.