Constraints ignore second level bones

Issue Type: Other
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2021-02-23 00:02:00 (-05:00)
Date Last Experienced: 2021-02-23 00:02:00 (-05:00)

Reproduction Steps:
Second level or more bones (bones in bones) do not work with constraints (such as AlignPosition, AlignOrientation), but bones that are direct children of parts do.

Reproduction file:
SecondLevelAttachment-Repro.rbxl (25.9 KB)

Expected Behavior:
All bones should be valid and functional constraint attachments no matter their parent.

Actual Behavior:
Second level bones are ignored as if the Attachment1 isn’t set.

Not really the most viable option but we’re obligated to use a ManualWeld/Motor6D and calculate the maths to simulate what the AlignPosition and AlignOrientation would do.


This behavior is currently not supported, but is planned for this year!


Any ETA for this? We’re approaching the end of the year and I’d hate to know this was pushed for later. This is very important for the future of skinned meshes.

It should be working now!

note the widget rendering may not look correct (for now), but the constraint should be solving correctly.


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